
Second World: Don't Screw With The Marshal

While the Marshal was trending on Valim Network for none military reasons he was strolling towards the secure conference room for a meeting with his generals. He was so immersed in his own little world that he didn't notice the gazes directed at him by his subordinates. The military personnel were taken aback by the the Marshal's outfit. First of all this was the first time they had seen him dressed casually and top it all off, the words written on his t-shirt were shocking enough to vaniquish one's soul. This caused a stir in the entire base reducing productivity as that t-shirt was too distractive.

Qie Ranzhe was obviously blind to all this so he didn't notice their exaggerated reaction that is until he entered the secure conference room. Stunned, Machu spit out a mouthful of water in his mouth splashing everywhere in a perfect spit-take asking "What the hell are you wearing?" with a haunted expression.

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