
Father & Son

[POV Hu Qiang]

As I walked through the doors of the study room. I see here staring into some unknown distance.

'I feel scared.'

I feel I can't reach her anymore. I feel the distance between us growing.

As I approach her, I see that her shoulders are stiff.

'What is she thinking?' I tried to guess as I walked up to her and placed my hands on her shoulder.

They are cold.

My heart beats faster. There is adrenaline, rushing through me.

I find myself gravitating towards her.

She asked for a fire to be started. It took me by surprise but I understood her intention.

'She wants to dispose of the papers.'

I obediently lit up the fireplace in the study room and stood by my wife as we bear witness to the process of her parent's last presence burning away in front of our eyes.

She was very calm after it.

But I guess it had its own significance, as she went to sleep right away.

Skipping her breakfast.

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