
Planet blade

Link thought back on the plot and decided to go to the planet of blades first.

we're going to planet blade next.

as link told them the next stop, the children began to search for information on planet swordpeak in the database.

planet blade is a planet with a sharp and unique terrain. The planet once had a violent explosion, causing the two continental plates to rise up from the pressure of the explosion. Under the collision, hundreds of thousands of sharp spikes were formed, and that was how planet blade got its name.

[ planet blade's environment is harsh, and the planet's intelligent life forms often fight for resources. they're fierce and aggressive, and their main races are silicon rock giants and barbarians. [ the core of planet blade has a magic iron ore that can suppress magic energy. It has a strong suppressive effect on magic, so Esper abilities will be suppressed when they land on the planet, and they will not be able to use their full power. ]

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