
Chapter 154: Ruanruans at Physical Education Class

"Teacher Liu, the children are in your care, please keep an eye on them."

While Teacher Xia was talking with the teacher who was about to conduct the gym class, Ruanruan and the others stood to one side, their small heads curiously surveying their surroundings.

It was their first gym class, and the little ones were quite excited, chattering away. Their tender, youthful voices weren't at all bothersome to hear.

Once the teachers had finished their conversation, Teacher Xia reminded Ruanruan and the others to behave and not to run off before she left. The gym teacher clapped their hands to draw everyone's attention.

"Kids, I'm going to divide you into four lines now," the gym teacher explained. "Remember who's to your left and right because from now on we'll line up for gym class just like we do today."

It took some effort for the gym teacher to sort out Ruanruan and the others into their places.

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