
Mashed But Alive

I spread a purplish marmalade over my toast. Do you know the difference between a jam, a jelly, and a marmalade?

Ah, I see. Well, your loss if you don't even care.

In any case, I had been hoping it was grape in flavor…

Okay, THAT was uncalled for. Did you honestly expect me to discuss something over breakfast without caring about the actual food?

Fine. Whatever is eating at you, it isn't me. Go ahead, tell me.

Oh, I can't actually help you. Witness the tower. Do you think I can even help myself? I just thought…

Of course, we can get to the discussion I had with Etienne.

"I see you have AN eye back." he said, smothering a garlic bud with cheese.

"It's … sort of working. My right eye, nasal passages, and heat pits… still need two days."

"You don't have that many days left." he said.

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