
Exorcist Thomas

What can I say about a warm bath that others have not said more elegantly? By feel, I scrubbed underneath each scale, knowing that I'd have to wipe under each to remove the soap before it dried enough to damage the skin.

Is that a flaw, do you think? That our Systems give us options to protect us from fire and bleeding and disease, and yet the lowly [Itch]...

Quite right, Bearer Thomas walked in while I was doing that.

"By the Sun." he said, trying to hide his expression behind a hand. "Is that..."

Yes, still blind. Still not unaware of what was going on around me.

"Tiny new limb." I said, waving at him with it. "In a day or two, it will be covered with tiny little scales. In a week or so, provided there is food, I'll be unable to prove to a justice that my eyes were gouged out."

"Two weeks, maybe three, this..." I waved at him with the new arm, "will be as large as this one." I waved at him with the uninjured one.

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