The other thing I enjoyed upon waking up (yes, I woke up with the sun, cursing my lack of eyelids) was putting points into what I've already called "Trash Traits". Placeholders on the evolution of actual statistics, meant to be thrown away and recycled for half their cost.
It turns out that fighting someone with two or more levels of Valor above you (and surviving) gives a lot of points. Probably oodles, if your divisor is much less than mine.
Gods, to have fifteen maximum in Sanity and Serenity! The boost of points brought both over half, which may also have contributed to my mood. <1 >
For those who are curious, the ones that rounded out the missing corners were [Diligent] and [Vicious].
And, if one didn't count the missing Lore, Psi, and Chi statistics (which for some reason weren't keeping me from the methods I could use to buy traits for them) I was finally… well, not complete, but I wasn't totally missing anything.