Multiple things happened in that instant.
Four of the priests roared off contradicting orders. I ignored them.
Kornath roared, and charged.
My hands burst into white flame where they held the axe, flesh burning and peeling. My vision was littered with colored static. Mostly yellow and red, with bits of blue and then individual motes of every color of the rainbow. <1 >
The burning stopped the instant the axe blade cleaved into his face.
I let go at the next instant after that. There were noises, voices, screams; none of them seemed to matter.
With an exhale, I fell to one knee. In theory, I had a good portion of my health left.
In another valid sense, I was done. I blinked, but the motes of color remained. I could hear sounds, scent blood, see the objects, but none of that mattered.
It barely registered when I was hurled onto my chest, and my wrists bound behind me.