
Forest Be Gone

"That doesn't seem like a large number of troops we're leaving behind to secure the town." I said.

"Hah, let them revolt." said Mohgson. "More land to claim for proper folk, and more of us on this side of the Sharp Teeth." <1 >

We set out in the wake of three supply carts, each of them small enough to be pulled by a single horse.

"I also notice an absence of Kamajeen troops." I said.

Ayya snorted. "They get the wild lands to the east, and as far south as they can push the thunder headed Uruk."

Tigrin looked across at me. "His face is scrunched. Pale Worm doesn't get it."

"Private Siegen. Explain to the new soldier."

She moved her hands like a Makura's claws. "It's called a pincer attack." she said. "The enemy is caught between two forces, and crushed between them. In this case, it's actually to our benefit to let them begin to sprawl before betraying them."

"But... the numbers aren't that much in our favor."

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