
Rare Treasures

They weren't the best set of shutters I'd ever made or ever would make, but they worked. Turns out that Tireless Devotion wasn't too picky about what I did, as long as I was on a quest.

So I set in my mind that I was going to learn as much as I could while I was inside the walls, and I absolutely wasn't going to make any ripples. You laugh, because you know. It was too late for that.

A store that took barter was just too novel. Don't ask me why. People were selling the darnedest of things. A standing clock, three mismatched boots, a woodsman's axe that needed a new handle before it could be used. All the detrius that normally clogged attics and closets instead found its way to my store. Food, clothing, and medicines found their way out.

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