
Bad Decisions

Lord Mortimer took his time laughing. And then he took some more time. With his hands, he slapped his cheeks twice. And like that he was back under control.

"You mean," he said, "you are here to help us resist the hobgoblins so that we can return to being part of the Tidelands?"

"Well, yes." I replied.

"Well, no." he said. "We had no interest in swapping our masters out when the army arrived, and we still have no interest in just changing out masters now. We're certainly not risking death by being disruptive to return to the way things were."

"I don't understand." I said. "These people intend to settle your lands."

"Indeed they do."

"But what happens to your people?"

"Enslaved, one would imagine. At least in the short term."

"How is that an improvement?"

"Improvement? What makes you think we're seeking that?"

"Why would you not?" I asked.

"Why do YOU not?" he countered.

"I'm... I fail to see the connection."

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