
349 - The Muckhead Family

<You, > I said, <are not Manajuwejet.>

"Well of course I'm not." he said, chuckling. "But that's who you expect to see when you are lucidly dreaming so... Am I a scorpion?"

"You are in the form of a scorpion." I said. "But who are you?"

The form of Manajuwejet raised a claw, swept it around as the form became a whirlwind. A red spot on his back rose, became orange, became a flowing head of hair, a mustache, sideburns, a beard.

Within that beard, a smirk that said the OTHER knew he was just better than I was, and dared me to do something reckless to prove him otherwise. That smile extended upward, to eyes that reflected burning cities, storms of chaotic flame, of rituals and sorcery and other things un-natural.

"I am either Loki, or one of his envoys, and before you try, you shall never truly know the difference, and trying will only injure your petty mortal mind."

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