
The Big Break

By the time the triad arrived, Dame Doctor Thuria in the lead, things had gotten out of hand. Two of the madmen had decided to go at each other with the picks, knocking pieces off each other's heads.

"Oh, no, please!" One of the orderlies screamed, trying to shield his face. I wished him luck, but he was already down two fingers and part of one forearm.

The orderlies by the door continued smashing Shit Thrower, their saliva black, their eyes bright.

"Enough of this!" Dame Doctor Thuria screamed. She looked direct into the pulsing non-heart of the Madness. "Both of you, with me!"

Nurse de Rollo looked at me, or more accurately, at my shield, forged from black iron. To call it steel... no, it was of iron, blackened with charcoal.

His first strike revealed the dull metal beneath. "Now you'll feel my wrath!" he screamed.

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