
Servant of the Axe - Short Storm Outing

Chapter Type:  Character Development, Minor Conflict (Environment)

"I'm sorry." I said.  "What do you mean, the larder doesn't have enough to make it through winter."

"I didn't say THROUGH winter.  I said TO winter, as in we have two weeks of supplies." The innkeep told me.

"That's…  How did we contribute to this problem?"

"Well, sir, being on the short end of groceries for so long, combined with signora Gamilla's… dietary needs, we've had to cut into our reserves."

I blinked.  "Is she not paying for her own food?"

"No, she is, but at market rates before the fall crunch."

Which are half of the actual rates?"

"Closer to a third, now.  But after this storm, it may be higher."

I sighed.  "So, you're saying when the storm ends, we need to forage with the crew."

"I'm saying every bit of forage is already picked."

"It can't be EVERY bit of forage."

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