
Chapter 37

When Robbie came inside the mansion, his mind was still adrift. He couldn't believe his mother would include his estranged father in all of these. He didn't consider the guy as family anymore after what he did.

His mind and heart felt betrayed. After all these years, the pain his father had caused had made it more difficult for him. Growing up without a father, he was bullied most of his high school life. His father was not there to protect him... to let him know how to act as a "normal" guy should be. He didn't have any role model except for his uncle, who dressed and acted more like a woman rather than a man.

Since the divorce, his father was mostly absent in his life. Robbie never built a relationship with him at all throughout the years except for receiving money from child support and ocassional gifts. His father had tried to make him a "man" according to his standards that it was a huge disappointment for him to see that Robbie never was what he wanted him to be.

"A lipstick company? Are you insane?" his father spat out while speaking to his mother at that time.

Robbie thought it was a great opportunity for him to finally build his brand and start his own company. But his father did not approve at all... which he was not surprised. He was never really supportive of anything he did.

"It doesn't matter what he thinks, Mom. I can make my own decisions. I'm already an adult," Robbie replied, gritting his teeth in anger. His father's opinion was never important to him and it just blew his mind on why his mother even bothered to tell this man.

Ramon Magsano, a businessman, had never really made his son an important part of his life but rather considered him a disappointment. To him, Robbie was an ongoing disappointment for his macho image and no matter how much he tried to "man" him up, he was still "soft" that could be mistaken for a girl hiding inside a closet.

Gay just like his uncle.

"Is that so?" his father replied. "You're being arrogant now because of your so-called business. Is that why? Huh?"

"Well, I don't need your help and never had been! Your opinion does not matter," and he turned to his mother. "I don't even know why you have to tell him, Mom."


"I'm still your father!"

"Bullshit! You're never a father to me. You and your new wife can go to hell and just leave us alone!"

Pulling Robbie's collar, Ramon pushed him on the wall.

"You better learn how to respect me, you hear me, young man!"

"I'm not giving respect to someone who never respected my mother for once!"

"Why you-" and his fisted hand was about to go on Robbie's jaw when they heard Laura's cry.

"STOP IT, RAMON!" and she pulled his arm. "Please stop! Not our son!"

Robbie's eyes challenged him, as he raised his chin up and held his father's gaze in anger. He would never let this man intimidate him at all.

Ramon let him go and turned to Laura.

"This is all your fault!" he said pointing a finger at her. "You let him be influenced by your abnormal brother!"

Laura slapped him and he clenched his teeth.

"Get out of my house! I would never let you disrespect any of my family at all. This is the last time you will ever see us. I don't want to see your face ever again, do you hear?!" she spat at him.

Ramon glared at her. He walked out of that house and in their lives... until now...

"Robbie? Robbie!" Alex called him, and he looked up at her. He didn't know he was so deep in thought that Stephanie and Alex had been trying to get his attention for awhile now.

They were sitting in the living room area inside the mansion as Stephanie was showing them some samples she had from her laptop.

Alex had seen how Robbie was so bothered that she started to feel concerned of him. She wondered what he and his mother had talked about that made him so lost in thought.

"I'm sorry. What were you asking?" Robbie said.

"Are you okay?" Alex touched his arm, her eyebrows creased.

"Yes, of course. Why wouldn't I be?"

"You look bothered."

Robbie forced a smiled. "I'm fine."

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"I said I'm fine, Alex. Please stop asking and let's focus on this."

"Robbie, you're not okay. Clearly there is something that's bothering you. What's wrong?"

"Alex!" he cried in frustration. He stood up and walked out of the room. Both women were stunned by his actions and Alex stood up as well.

"I'm sorry, Stephanie," Alex apologized. "Let me go talk to him first, okay. I'll be back."

Stephanie didn't know what to say and just nodded.

Alex followed Robbie to the basement as memories of yesterday flashed back suddenly. She swallowed hard and tried focus on Robbie instead of yesterday's events.

"Robbie, talk to me," Alex said as soon as they reached the basement. "What's wrong?"

Robbie slumped himself on the couch. He hated to talk about his father to Alex now. But knowing Alex, she won't stop until he tells her.

He shoved his hands through his hair as Alex sat beside him. She placed her hand on his shoulder.

"Robbie..." she called and he looked at her. His eyebrows were crossed.

"Tell me, Alex, when did you suspect I was gay?" he scowled.


Alex was shocked and didn't know what to tell him.

Should she tell him that he showed signs since they were kids and was confirmed when she saw him and Kenneth kiss? What did he want to hear?

"Robbie, we don't need to talk about it now."

"Yes, we do have to talk about it," he growled. "Because all my life, my father had the same f-kng thought like you do." Then, he stood up, placing his hands on his hips.

"I don't understand, Robbie. What this got to do with your father? Are you telling me we're the same?"

"You're the one who accused me of being gay, Alex, remember? You told me I show some signs."

"So this has been bothering you for the past few minutes? The things I said?" she said, crossing her arms. "While we were supposed to be planning for our wedding and preparing for tomorrow's party, here you are thinking of this. Do you really want to know what I think or there is something more you are not telling me? Did you and your mom have an argument?"

Robbie sighed and sat beside her again on the couch. He leaned his head back, closing his eyes. The stress of having all this emotions were draining him so much than the wedding preparations itself.

"I hate my father," he blurted out. "I hated him so much that I erased him in my system years ago."

Alex knew how he felt. She was the same with her own father that every time Clarice would mention him, she would flipped as well. She never wanted to hear anything about him anymore.

"You haven't talked about your father for years, Robbie," Alex said, holding his cheek. "Did something happen? Do you want to talk about it?"

Robbie opened his eyes and looked at her. He missed these moments where they used to talk about everything and he was happy to see that they were finally making progress.

He had his best friend back.

Sighing, he held her hand on his cheek. It felt warm and soft that his anger slowly melted away. He smiled faintly and kissed her palm which sent an electric current through her vein.

She tried not to focus on it as she took a breath before speaking.

"What happened?" she managed to ask.

"Mom told him about Sasha.. the engagement... everything," he replied. "I don't even know why she has to do that. The guy didn't even exist for so many years and then all of a sudden, he was interested on my affairs."

Alex cupped his face. "Is that why you're so upset?"

He nodded. "Sorry for lashing out on you."

"It's okay... I don't blame you. It was my fault, too. I said some things.."

"But something changed last night, isn't it?"

"W-What do you mean?"

"I saw it in your eyes, Alex... after I kissed you," and he leaned closer making her heart stop. "Tell me, Alex. Have you felt it?"

"I-It was... nothing," her breath shook as her mind drifted off to a place she was familiar to... a place where her desires lurked in and wanted to be released.

"You're not being honest with me, Alex," he whispered as he kissed the corner of her lips. "The way you respond to my kisses..." and he run his finger down her neck. A sigh came out of her lips as she closed her eyes.


"Do you like my kisses? Does it make you feel something... different?" he whispered in her ear and her heart raced rapidly in her chest as he kissed her neck.

How did he get to be so good at this?

As far as she knew, she was his first but even before then, there was no one he could have kissed. Yet, he could make her melt in a heartbeat, and let her knees weaken. She suddenly felt drunk once again as she drew him closer to her, wrapping her hands around his neck.

Should she be glad that she actually had taught him how to kiss... how to touch her?

Now, he was an expert in seduction that she couldn't resist him at all.

"R-Robbie..." she tried hard to fight it but there was no use, he was letting her in too deep that she was losing herself once again.

Red covered her face as she gave in to every touch of his lips on to her skin.

"Allison..." he mumbled as she opened her eyes to gaze at him. Her mind was battling within her as her heart longed for more.

Was it right to tell him she did desire this? That every beat of her heart suddenly wished they were for real? But what if he rejected her? What if...

Her mind forgot all the questions she needed to ask him as her lips parted. Her breath was shaky and her eyes focused on the way he whispered her full name once again.

"I want you, Allison," as their lips collided in a passionate kiss.

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Love you all.


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