
Green di#do

Tim and his slave masters noticed a huge entity. The entity wasn’t only big, it looked really weird too, and from what he could understand, these ghostly snakes feared the said entity a lot! Even though the snakes were transparent, he could see how they in a way, shivered in fear!

He couldn’t help thinking, “Hmm… maybe this can be my way out, towards freedom, cause these fuckers look really scared. It’s weird that they are scared, because this big motherfucker looks a lot like them, except it's green. I’m no scientist, but maybe she’s their mother, a big ass mother or something? It's possible.”

There were a lot of things to think about here. Tim was not a thinker inherently, so his conscience was really strained right now as he tried to figure things out. The said, green entity wasn’t making any sudden moves either, so he didn’t really know what to make of this encounter, as he was not in danger. He could only guess that this encounter was either parental, or hostile, but that on itself wasn’t really a wide variety of guesses. He was quite clueless.

Tim was certain about one thing, however, the slithering plague snakes were struggling right now. That was a fact, and this solid fact expanded even further, as the huge, green, and slithering entity demanded it so. The snakes struggled, because the opposing entity was forcefully reverting them!

Reversions for entities was similar to utter enslavement! These snakes, which originally had a black-looking exterior, were forced to adapt with different shades now, specifically, the color which this bigger entity bore! They did not like this at all, they even protested.

Tens of snakes from the same species, then appeared out of thin air, to attempt and fight the opposing, larger entity, but their effort was futile! All of them got enslaved in seconds, and now, they collectively obeyed their new master’s bidding.

Timothy, however, was free of enslavement. Those snakes weren’t influencing him anymore, not at all, and the larger, quite elongated entity, wasn’t really looking to enslave him either. The entity preferred these slithering plague snakes, for some reason, so Tim, and the rest of the entities that these snakes had enslaved over the last couple of days, were now free of enslavement, as free as an entity could be. They could sport their rights of freedom once more, and this, at the moment, was the most wonderful feeling in the world!

“I did not expect this at all, then again, the skies are pretty fucking weird to begin with.” He thought, “At least I’m free, nothing else matters, hehe.”

Tim wasn’t amongst the wisest of men, but he knew a couple of things really well. For example, he knew when to put up a fight and he also knew when to flee.

Since the green entity was busy enslaving those snakes, he took the opportunity to slowly, and cautiously back away. Odds were that the entity wasn’t going to chase him to begin with, but still, he knew not to make any sudden movements. This was a good decision, and for multiple reasons too!

As a meat-eating predator himself, he knew that anything that moved frantically, would attract the attention of a predator. Based on that logic, even if this green entity didn't want to enslave him, if it saw Tim suddenly floating away quickly and abruptly, the entity may be encouraged to chase him. This was common sense for a fish such as himself, and Tim was very happy that for once, he was embracing said common sense.

Slowly and cautiously, Tim fled. The green, elongated entity went on its merry way too! He was safe now, or at least, he felt safe.

He sighed as thoroughly as an entity could sigh, and thought. “Well, I wasted two days of my life just like that. My body must be starving, cuz I don't think that I ate enough crab meat for it to support long trips like this. At this point, it would make sense if I didn't have a body to get back to, hell, for a moment I even forgot that I had a fucking body. The punishment fits the crime.”

Once he thought about that, the system then interrupted. [The punishment is death, Timothy. Your body back there is fit to survive two days without food, three at most, so you're really stretching your luck out here right now. I suggest that you try to return to your body as fast as you can.]

“That's a bit of a problem, then. It would take another two days to get back to my body, and I don't think I have enough time to do that.” He followed along.

Tim had been eager to explore the skies, and at some point, he even forgot that he owned a body. Such negligence had consequences, and although he had been the victim of slavery so far which was what made him waste a lot of time, he still had to face the rough consequences of this trip. He couldn’t float back home, not in time at least, so he was quite in some trouble right now.

Factually, this situation only had one solution. He had to be directly attacked by another entity, in order to deplete his essence-based health bar, and if he was to survive, he had to act quickly! With that considered, he quickly came up with a plan.

“Hey! Dragon guy, green dildo, can you hear me?! You planty bastard, hey, please, come shoot at me!” He exclaimed.

Timothy was an entity right now, however, so he couldn’t really speak. His exclamations were more of very insisting thoughts, rather than words, he wasn’t loud. For that matter, he really hoped that the green guy which he had put effort in to avoid earlier on, could read minds, or hear him in whatever way possible at the very least, as he really needed some help! He was looking to get shot, in whatever means possible.

Just then, he realized why the ‘green dragon’ had such an advantage. It had been about fifty meters away, initially, but as Timothy yelled out, the green entity suddenly appeared right in front of him! It was fast, powerful, and apparently very communicative too! It had all the advantages!

In an instant, it transmitted a thought, which stated. “Never call me a green dildo again, or else I will smite thee with the power of a thousand suns! The mana is my sun, my enlightenment, and I will use it as the gods permit, trust me on that!”
