
Eighteen: MTOABB


It was already past midnight and I was still very much awake. Chloe had already arrived home and was snoozing off in her room.

Did you two do it _Rossita

I text him. My mind is spiraling.

I had just broken up with Zack and here I am thinking about Gomes - how pathetic can a girl with a broken heart get?

Ignore my text, I'm just not myself right now _Rossita

I lay in bed, face staring upwards to the ceiling as I shuffle out my thoughts.

Cassandra and Zack used to date.

Cassandra and Zack kissed while he was with me.

The memory of me kissing Gomes pops into my head and I'm famished with guilt.

Nothing happened. Now go to bed _Gomes

I can't believe I broke up with him _Rossita

It was for the best _Gomes

No it wasn't _Rossita

Okay _Gomes

You knew they dated before and told me nothing _Rossita

It wasn't my place _Gomes

I realise now that it's so easy for you to keep everything in -- you don't care about me _Rossita

A minute passes and nothing pops up on my screen to let me know I got a message from him.

My phone starts to ring - the sound so unfamiliar-- do teenagers still call each other nowadays?

"I care about you, Rossita Jenkins," he whispers on the other end of the call and my body goes numb.

"Then why not tell me?" I ask.

"I stay out of Cass's business and she stays out of mine, that's our deal."

I take in a deep breath.

"Rossita... I'm sorry," he says.

"Sorry that you didn't tell me about Cass and Zack or sorry that I broke up with Zack? What are you really sorry for?" I yell into the phone, tears now stinging my cheeks.

"Rossita..." I hear shuffling and knocking on the other end of the call as he calls out my name.

"She's crying and you're in here talking to Molly on the phone. I thought I told you to end it," I hear a different voice filter the call and I sit in silence listening in.

"I'll tend to her now," he replies to her.

"We leave in a few hours, Prinse. Why don't you want to spend some alone time with me?"

"Holly, don't do this right now," he tells her.

"It's still me and our ba--" the call cuts and I'm left wondering what Holly was planning to say.

My Type of a Bad Boy

"Morning mom," I say, sitting at the kitchen counter in my pajamas.

"It's 12 o'clock, Rossita." Chloe says.

"Rossita, go shower. Gomes is taking you two girls to the beach," mom says.

"No one told me this," I say, already making my way upstairs.

An hour goes by unnoticed before Gomes is honking his car outside.

"You two look pretty," he says as we enter into the car.

"Me or Chloe?" I ask, giggling.

"Both," he turns his head to stare at me.

We drive to the sound of music and the windows fully open -- a start to a beautiful day, one might assume -- but hey I'm single again.

Chloe immediately jumps off as the car comes to a halt and rushes towards Brody's car.

I wave from the backseat and Brody waves back, his smile out and only focused on me. Chloe jumps into his car and they drive off.

"I'm a bit lonely here in front, want to come sit next to me?" Gomes asks, and I would have said yes, but I don't.

I shake my head and he nods, turning the car back into ignition and following the trail that Brody took.

Zack should have texted me by now -- even if it was to ask for his stupid but amazing hoodie that I will never give back to him - and I mean NEVER -- but he didn't.

All I can hear are crickets when I open up my phone -- not real ones.

I look out from the car window, admiring the clear blue sky and soft music playing from the radio.

"Do you want to speak about it? I am a good listener," Gomes says, and I look at him, although he was focused on the road I still stared.

Yesterday should be written on a tombstone.

"He hasn't texted," I say.

"Who? Him?" He asks and I nod.

"Do you want him to?" He asks.

"Yes... yes I do. I want us to get back together."

He swirls the car and brings us at a stop on the side of the road so as to not hold other cars that were behind us.

"You're kidding right?" He snickers.

"I'm not. He's my type and that's what I want."

"What is your type?" He asks, bringing his voice to a whisper.

"Zack," I utter.

"No. What is your type?" He asks again and this time I stay silent. "Exactly, you don't know 'your type'. So stop this idea that you need to get back together with him."

I stay quiet, heart racing and now I'm not even sure if I'm even breathing -- breathe, Rossita!

"Does Molly deserve better then, since you kissed me while with her? It's the same thing that Zack did with Cass, but yet Molly forgave you. What makes you anywhat special?" I say, voice raising at the same time as my emotions.

"Nothing makes me special, but at least I didn't sleep with you, but I can tell that Zack didn't tell you what really happened between him and my sister." He shakes his head, looks away from my stare and stays like that for a few seconds.

"Don't lie to me, Gomes, please." Tears started flowing down my cheek, although I didn't want them to - I wanted to act strong even if I wasn't - especially in front of him.

"Ignore me, forget what I just told you."

"I can't just do that, Prinse. You don't get to throw such insinuations around and not explain yourself."

"I shouldn't even interject myself in all of this mess. You're unsure of what you want."

What gives him the right to talk to mean like that? -- What makes him think he knows what I want better than I do?

"Why don't I take you home," he says, and with that his phone pings.

"It's Chloe, she's asking what's taking us so long," he tells me. "I'll let her know that I'm taking you home."

"No, I want to go to the beach - with you..." I trail, stopping myself from saying anything else.

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