
Chapter 167: True Strength's Weakness

"Wait a minute, Seijurou!" yelled Chizuru as she shielded her eyes from the blazingly bright aura of her best friend. "Stay close to you?! That's easier said than done! It's too bright even for my 'Serpent's Sense'. Not to mention, you're too hot!"

"I know," Seijurou smugly put as he kept his fiery serpentine eyes on the shadowy warlord. 

Chizuru somehow managed to give her companion a blank stare amidst the blinding light. "And, what's that even supposed to mean? Don't get too full of yourself, baka-jurou. You're not that popular with the girls, you know."

"I didn't even think of it that way until you brought it up! I mean, I know my technique is scalding hot! But, try to stay close!"

A deviously hidden grin formed on Pan's nonexistent face as he watched the two interact with each other. He kept his distance in order for him to maintain his shadowy form while keeping his gaze upon Seijurou's bright aura.

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