
Chapter 100: Advantage of Having Extra Points

- POV-1 Nero -

All right, I need to save Yui, but…

I got up from the bed I was sitting on. I watched with tears in my eyes as the memories in my mind tortured me. Looking into Elsa's dark green eyes, I said, "Just imagine, being an innocent child who was betrayed by your older sister, sold to a strange organization, experienced torture, and ended up dying in the end? Just imagine how this child felt going through all these difficulties. You are not my sister!"

"Forgive me, forgive me. I swear, I swear on everything that is most sacred, Nera, I tried to find you. I dropped everything and wandered through so many places, but for years I couldn't find you, and when I saw you today, I recognized you in a moment. You don't know how happy I was, how happy I was that you're alive. Nera, I love you; you're my little sister. I never, for a second, stopped thinking about you!" She hugged me and I didn't know how to react.

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