
Another Trouble

"I couldn't understand how he could bravely gamble to an uncertain situation. We both know that I am not a safe bet"

In a gamble, I am the one who kept my card close to play safe. While Seviro on the other hand always keeps his stakes higher, putting his heart on the table betting on the uncertain odds. He's like risking his all unbothered with the possibility that he might lose.

He chuckles but he's not making fun of me. He's more like unbelievable with the thing that I am worried about.

"Listen Chèrie, that young Castaldi wouldn't claim the grand prize unless he will risk it all" he pauses. "He wants your heart. He wants it in exchange for his heart"

"What if this chapter will suddenly end even before it begin? You know that I must go back sooner or later. While I am still there, stuck in the world of almost. Too overwhelmed with the feeling he made me experience"

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