
The Grand Magic Games- A Dare

It's that time of the year- The Dragon King Festival and the Grand Magic Games has come, the moment guilds had been waiting for with both dread and excitement. It is an event held wherein participating guilds compete for the title of being the strongest Magic guild in all of Fiore. Additionally, the winning guild gets a 30,000,000 Jewel prize.

"Alright, as you all know we are gathered here today to announce who will represent Fairy Tail in the Grand Magic Games" said the red head S-Class mage in between Mira Jane and Makarov on the stage. Every one listens with anticipation to every word being announced. "Only five members of each Guild can compete in the games. A new rule has been added, according to the council: Guild could have two teams enter into the tournament, and as a result, up to ten members of each guild can compete in the games.The members of a guilds team can be replaced by reserve members if necessary.Guild Masters cannot participate.Anyone without the Guild's insignia cannot participate." She explained further.

The white haired S-class mage walked up to the front this time "Each event will remain a secret up until right before they begin, at which point the rules will be explained. All participants must return to the lodgings by 12:00 midnight.Victory is based on who can dominate across several different kinds of competition. The competition is held in a large arena called the , which is located on the west mountains in the capital of Fiore"

The master cleared his throat "Here are the members. Fairy Tail Team A : Erza Scarlet, Gray Fullbuster, Natsu Dragneel, Lucy Heartfillia and Elfman Strauss" the guild members cheered them up as the stood forward after their names are being called and Erza nodded to them with a smile looking down to them from the stage. "Fairy Tail Team B: Laxus Dreyar, Mira Jane Strauss, Juvia Lockser, Gajeel Redfox and Mystogan" everyone was pleased at the announcement and was chit chattering on who is the strongest team between the two. 

"Hey Erza, I challenge you to a deal, wanna bet?" Gray asked her, as the typical Erza who never backs out to any challenges agreed without knowing the details "So If I win my first event you 'll go out on a date with me for 7 days, you already said yes, so you cannot back out now" Erza was shocked but as usual she accepted the challenge.

Day 1:Hide and Seek

Gray steps up as the eight representatives are called out, and is shocked when a huge city is magicked into the arena, himself becoming separated from the other contestants as they are scattered in the playing field. The rules are that each member must find their opponents and hit them, but nobody knows where the others are. Whoever launches an attack first gains one point and the one who is hit loses one point,to make matters harder, numerous clones of each contestant will walk around the city to confuse everyone. Attacking a clone will result in a one point deduction. After the rules are explained, the game starts.As Gray tries to do his best in the game, it becomes apparent that Raven Tail only wants to attack Fairy Tail, as Null pudding repeatedly goes after Gray, causing Gray's team-mates to question Raven Tail's motives. Later as Gray walks the streets, he becomes entangled in a skirmish with a group of participants. After Eve employs his Magic intelligently to earn some quick points and Lyon also advances the ranks, the players notice that Rufus of Team Sabertooth hasn't moved at all. He hasn't attacked anyone, nor has he been found. The masked Mage claims that the game is too easy for him and states that he remembers exactly where everyone is and has been as he unleashes his Memory-Make Magic, shocking the others, who realize he is using Molding Magic. Unleashing his attack, Rufus manages to take out all his opponents leaving the battle between him and Gray. With the determination and the inspiration of having Erza for himself for one whole week made him win the first game. "Well done Gray" Erza congratulated him "The bet is on, after the games you're mine for 7 days" he whispered into her ear with a seductive voice, Erza shriek at his act and just nodded in return.

Day 2: Pandemonium

The teams all pick their participating members. Erza goes out for Team Fairy Tail A, whilst Cana Alberona volunteers for Team Fairy Tail B, much to her team-mates surprise when they notice that Jellal is gone. Cana, however, states that it's likely he doesn't wish to participate with a Magic Council official around.The players gathered, Mato shows everyone Pandemonium; a giant building where monsters live. He explains that the monsters inside are classed from D to S, the D-class being quite formidable, whilst the S-class can even rival that of a Wizard Saint. The rules of the game are simple, each competitor will go in one by one and fight a number of monsters for points. They can select how many monsters they wish to face, but are warned that what level of monster they get will be randomized. When ask what happens when they lose, the judge states that their previous victories will still be counted, but they will be out of the event. The game will go on until all 100 monsters are defeated or everyone's Magic Power runs out.However, Erza, having drawn the straw to enter the castle first, challenges all 100 monsters herself at the same time, and despite the shock and disbelief of the crowd, enters the building and fights herself bloody, emerging victorious with her sword raised high. Erza defeating all the monsters she got the points to herself.

Day 3: Battle

A battle between Warcry of Quatro Cerberus and Orga Nanagear of Sabertooth, Warcry being defeated before being able to use his Magic.The final battle of the day is then declared to be between "Mystogan" from Team Fairy Tail B and Jura Neekis of Lamia Scale.The crowd cheers wildly for Jura as he and Kakashi make their way to the center of the arena. Makarov notices that Mavis seems tense, but tells her that Kakashi was a jonin of Konoha with a high level nninja skill just like Jura, so their skills should be evenly matched.The battle begins with Kakashi sticking to his disguise and employing Mystogan's Magic Staves to attack Jura, however the latter's supreme Magic abilities soon begin to outmatch kakashi's need to stay in character. Annoyed at the thought of losing but decided to keep his identity hidden he let himself loose the battle.

Last Day: Strongest Female WizardErza clashes with Kagura. During battle, Erza uses her Heaven's Wheel Armor to battle while Kagura uses the various forms of her sword to counter and destroy. Despite requipping into various armors, Erza finds them ineffective as each one is destroyed by the Mermaid Hell Mage without inflicting any damage on her. As another armor is destroyed, Erza crashes to the ground below, much to the shock of her guildmates and everyone else, surprised that Erza is being overpowered.While on the ground, Erza asks Kagura if her strength comes from her hatred towards Jellal, for which Kagura kicks her in the stomach. Erza tells her she doesn't care about why she hates him, but that she shouldn't drag Millianna into it. Kagura retorts that Millianna isn't being influenced and neither is she, causing Erza to ask what happened.Revealing that Simon who died in the Tower of Heaven was her brother, Kagura reveals the history of her life with her brother and how he was kidnapped while she escaped, as well as how she met Millianna years later and found out what happened to him.Erza relents, tells Kagura that Millianna never saw Jellal kill Simon, and that though he did, his death was her own fault. Though she is not believed at first, Erza states it is the truth, causing an angry Kagura to draw her sword and cause the blood to spill.Angry, Kagura moves in to attack. Erza defends herself, claiming that she won't lose and delivers a final strike, defeating Kagura. However, as a conscious Kagura attempts to get up, the ceiling above begins to crumble. Erza quickly pushes her out of the way but gets her leg trapped under the rubble as a result.hen asked why, Erza states that she remembers Kagura, and that she was from Rosemary Village, just like her and Simon. Kagura recounts how, years ago, Erza saved her from getting caught by the followers of Zeref, bringing her to tears. Erza states Simon often talked about her and that she'd always hoped she was alright. Moved, Kagura lifts a piece of rubble off Erza's body but as she attempts to think about the battle's result, she is stabbed from behind by Minerva, who both earns points for her team and angers Erza with the gesture.Minerva taunts Erza, telling her she's next. Erza looks down at Kagura, who asks her to save Millianna. Upon hearing her name, Minerva brings the cat girl to the battle. As Erza checks up on her, she notices heavy wounds on her back, which Minerva states she inflicted in order to have fun while she waited, causing Erza to stare at her vengefully. Minerva uses her Magic to pick up and throw Erza around, smashing her into a nearby pillar and saying this will be Erza's public execution.an injured Erza attempts to stand up despite Minerva telling her she can't. Erza retorts that she must due to her anger, resulting in Minerva attacking. Though she is damaged and the audience is surprised by Minerva's Magic, Erza sees through it and releases her second origin, allowing her to Requip into a new armor.Minerva attacks Erza with a powerful blast but it has no effect on her due to her Nakagami Armor, which uses a large amount of Magic but allows the user to bend Magic to their will. Minerva is left frightened over Erza's power as Erza strikes her with the armor's spear, defeating her. With her defeat, Fairy Tail gains five points, giving them a total of 63 points. With victory in the Grand Magic Games, making them the #1 guild once again, the crowd chants for Fairy Tail as the stadium celebrates. 

"You did well Erza" Mystogan commented "Thank you. Why do you cover your face? It's not like you're a wanted criminal like Jellal, I wonder why your voice reminds me of someone" She answered. Scared of being caught he told her to get her wounds treated and walked away. Then Gray approached her and threw a big tight hug, "The deal is on red head" he whispered with a smirk "I don't care popsicle perv" she said annoyed and Gray planted a sweet gentle kiss on her forehead.

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