
the eight fist of ragnarock and the forming of the shinpaku alliance.

kenichi tried to keep his cool when he learned that niijiima was using him as a means of power however a gang of fighters was the last thing kenichi wanted to be part of.

"are you out of you're GOD Forsaken mind!" i said you can call yourself shinpaku alliance all you want but do not build a gang off of my reputation i said accidentally going into wrathful form.

but kenichi think about it the worlds greatest fighters lining up to challenge you and when you win they become your allies.

kenichi being a saiyan couldn't resist the challenge of a good fight.

but wasn't dumb enough to fall for niijiima's ploy.

takeda and ukita came to the club where that alien said to meet them as the rounded the corner in the hall they saw kenichi exit the room

"do whatever you want!" kenichi fumed

as he walked away takeda and ukita peered into the room to find niijiima's head rammed into the desck of the club room when they managed to free him he left an imprant of his face on the steel desk.

they looked at one another and ukita turned hey shirahama-Kun do you think you can teach me how you did that.

kenichi was relaxing on the limb of a tree outside school he enjoyed the company of the birds since he had a natural mastery of kï no shaka.

it was then he noticed it was time for his monthly visit to the hospital to see kaede tanimötö.

he gave the school principal his permission slip and left.

kenichi left the school and made his way to kaede.

miu saw kenichi leave and asked niijiima where he was going.

"oh to see his friend he meet when he was 11."

miu had known kenichi since he was 12 so it's possible that she didn't know who it was

"is he going to fight him?"

"if he did fight "her" he would be arrested.

"is she pretty?" asked Takeda knowing few women could impress as well as miu.

"if he were seeing her because of "that" he would be a pedophile" said niijiima.

"she is simply a child who he cares for and checks on."

kenichi arrived to find kaede awake and in better help it paid off since he nursed her with his energy until he built up enough points to buy the sacred water.

he put it in a medicine cup and gave it to her.

" drink this!" he said and she drank and suddenly she grabbed her neck like she was choking thankfully kenichi held her and soon her pain subsided and then kenichi asked her his she felt surprising him when she got out of bed and ran around the room.

kenichi decided to check her out and take her to her house.

meanwhile in a secret hideout on the outskirts of town eight fighters wearing gloves with roman numerals are currently preparing to deal with rival gangs when one if them a hooded figure received a call and informed their leader he had to leave.

niijiima texted kenichi the information ragnarock has eight fighters who are stronger than the rest these are the eight fist of ragnarock.

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