
Part 1: Zack vs Ron

From MC's Perspective:

Duel Stadium,

After a few minutes of walking, I reached the stadium. I see a few people waiting at the entrance. Once I got closer, I heard them talking.

They are actually waiting for me. 

"You are Zack Lockwood right?"

"Vice-dean has been waiting for you. Go to the dueling stage directly,"the middle-aged man guarding the gate said.

I nodded my head and walked past them. When I stepped inside, a magnificent arena came into view. The gallery was filled with people.

It looks more amazing in real life than live video. Suddenly a silhouette caught my attention. On the dueling stage someone is waiting for me.

Seeing that my mouth curved into an arc. Then I walk toward the dueling stage. My appearance immediately attracted attention.

Right after I hear loud chanting of my own name. People are familiar with faces because of the challenge issued by the Giant Tower.

Next chapter