
Treasure list

After conversing with so many different networks, I've come to a conclusion. Mr. Patrick came to a realisation. "Either they're hiding something or they don't have any rare elemental treasure," In his head, he made a remark. Mr. Patrick examined his Sci-Fi wristwatch. It's already beyond midnight.

Mr. Jonathan flashed into his head. He grumbled, "We met after a long period, but I couldn't help him." If his companion inquired about something else. He'd be able to readily offer it. As though they were healing pills. Despite the fact that it is costly. It is, however, not uncommon.

Mr. Patrick pondered for a long time. He let out a sigh a few minutes later. "I'll ask him if he needs anything else," he reasoned to himself. At the very least, he'll be able to make his friend happy this way. That's something to keep in mind. Mr. Patrick gets up and walks over to his buddies' room. He decided that this was a good time to talk to him.

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