
249 - Monsters

(This chapter isn't edited yet)

"Guys, change of plans." The captain shouted to the team preparing for the invasion.

This caused them to turn to him with a confused expression. Why would the plan suddenly change? They had discussed the plan literally a few minutes ago.

When he gathered everyone's attention, the captain spoke out loud as he approached Noah.

"Noah said he has a blessing able to see through the mist, and that apparently there is a castle in that direction. How about we go to that castle and take a look, after all, you know what can happen in hidden places in fortresses." The captain suggested and waited for the team to discuss what each wanted.

It was known to the blessed that there could be hidden places in fortresses. Even Noah found a variant stronghold the first time he received Lucifer's powers, so it wasn't something he wasn't familiar with.
