
A King's Duty

The Zion Kingdom's Main Square was full of people, Even demons from Arkhan Took the Week trip between Arkhan and Zion to be here, as today wasn't only the Execution Day of The most vile people in both Kingdoms, but also a huge Announcement by the King of both Kingdoms, Many Magical projections were set up throughout both Kingdoms, even in Villages that both Countries usually don't care about, had Projections

The King Showed up, in a large Platform where most People were waiting for the execution, He looked down at the People who were cheering for him, and raised his Hand

Everyone than stood there in Silence Waiting for their King to Speak, The man that Saved Zion, and Brought Justice to Arkhan

Ryo [People of Arkhan and Zion, Behind me, Are the enemies of the Kingdom, Nay, The enemies of the people, Nay, They are the enemies of the World, My Enemies,

Every Single one of them has done terrible things, to you, to your family, to your friends, To Your Kingdome,

And by The Authority Granted to me by you, to lead, and Save, and help you,

I Sentence all of them With Death,

May they suffer more in Hell]

There is 253 Nobles in Zion and 53 Nobles in Arkhan, from all of the nobles of Zion only 43 Are good people that done nothing to the people, and some even tried to help, as for Arkhan that number was 21 who all supported King Arkhan, meaning That 210 Zion Nobles and 32 of the Arkhan's nobles Were Corrupt, Over 172 Noble have Already been Killed, They were the nobles that have done Crimes that isn't related to Slavery, Child Abuse and rape, and today 70 of them will be Executed Publicly, these are the one Most hated, because they are the Vile of Society

One By one they all had their Head Cut

And finally is the Time of the former Arkhan Minister "Eric Strongold" Ryo discovered that he was the One to sell Lita's Mother, he was also the most hated in Arkhan

Ryo looked at him with disgust, Eric couldn't even notice Ryo, he was already Broken, The torturing was Mind Breaking, Ryo sighed and then beheaded the man

Ryo took it upon himself to cut the heads of all the nobles, so that if anyone wants Revenge they would seek Him

Next was the former King of Zion

Ryo [You are a disgrace to the title of a "King", you make me feel disgusted that we shared the same position for a period of time]

King Adrian [...…]

The king was drooling, he couldn't even respond, so Ryo wasted no time and beheaded him as well, he then looked as the people Cheered, for the death of the man that placed this Kingdom in the state that it was in

Ryo Looked at The sky and said

Ryo [Now its You're Time]

The Pope [Am not Afraid of you, The Pantheon will avenge me, you will Pay]

Ryo [For someone that has been Suffering for the Last month, you don't seem to learn]

The Pope [I don't care what you do to me, God is on my side]

Ryo [Is that so, Inana]

Inana then Manifested in her full form, and although she was shining brighter than the Sun, the only ones that could see her were Ryo, and The pope

The pope's Face lit up, he was Happy, Finally the Goddess will save him

The Pope [Oh, Holy one, this one is not worthy, this Filthy demon, attacked your home, and he is about to execute one of your servants, please save this one]

Inana Looked at Pope Mart with Disgust, And said

Inana [I can't believe you still think of yourself as a worshiper of the Gods, You are Unworthy of life, and this is why YOU SHALL DIE BY THE HANDS OF ONE OF US, Your Stay in Hell will be unpleasant, NOW Die]

Inana then placed her hand on the pope's head in the middle and split him in two, from top o bottom

Pope [WH-GHHH]

Ryo Used his Illusion to hide the way the Pope died, so that the existence of Inana remains hidden, it was too early for him o gain this much attention, if he shows that he has connection to a real goddess than, not only Diavola, but the entire world will turn it's attention to him

Ryo then looked at the Crowd and said

Ryo [Today Marks a new beginning in Our Lives, The past shall be left behind us, as we celebrate our new Union, but I urge you, not to forget the suffering that you went through, and make sure that the future generation learns about it, and together we will make sure that the future is brighter for them and for us, as your king I shall be the first to start

I Ryouto Gilgamesh Arkhan

Will be marrying Queen Aria Zion]

Ryo then pointed to the Queen who came walking to the Platform

Ryo [Let the New Union of Arkhan and Zion be Marry,

And as of Now

We Are the Kingdom of


We shall unite as a nation that does not discriminate, between races, and only think for the good of the people]

Ryo Ignored the System notification as he watched the Crowd Cheer with joy while screaming out the new name of their nation

The Crowd [Babylon, Babylon, Babylon]

Ryo then looked at Aria

Ryo [Are you okay?]

Aria [Don't worry about me King Ryouto, My father was long dead to me]

Ryo [I see, I wish that I didn't have to do that]

Aria [The world is corrupt King Ryouto, but I trust you, and I will follow you, so please cleanse it]

Ryo [I Will]


A Month Later


Ryo [AGhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]

Ryo Tried to defend himself with his Left Sword, but Another Spear manifested behind him and impaled his Left Leg

Ryo [Aghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh]

Scáthach then placed her Spear on Ryo's neck

Scáthach [It's over]

Ryo [You didn't have to do that, Shishou]

Scáthach [You can heal you're self now so don't complain]

Ryo Waited as the hole in his left thigh healed, due to obtaining Zeke's Grimoire Ryo now can regenerate, and even though it isn't at the same level as Zeke, it was very competent

He then summoned his swords Again but before he could attack Scáthach said

Scáthach [Don't, let's take a shower, and go back, you said that you will summon New servants tonight, you have to look your best]

Ryo [I guess]

Ryo went back to his normal form, and then went to the Onsen, Babylonia changed Quite a bit, Not only was the Financial issues, fixing themselves over the time, the people have already started to adjust to the race mix, there were no more Race issues between humans and Demons, which was a good Start to Babylon,

Ryo entered the onsen and Saw his Shishou naked in the bath, so he joined her

Ryo [how do you feel these days, Shishou]

Scáthach [Nothing has changed]

Ryo [Is that so, Why? am I not a Worthy King in your eyes]

Scáthach said nothing, she got up, which gave Ryo a full of view of her Naked body, she looked at Ryo with her almost robotic eyes

Scáthach [Do you want me to wash your back?]

Ryo [I guess if you want too]

Ryo got up and sat on a chair, Scáthach started to rub his back with a towel, she then went in front of him and started to wash his Chest, she got more and more closer to his member, and then she grabbed it, and started to rub it up and down, Ryo said nothing and started to enjoy the sensation, as he was getting closer to climaxing, Scáthach stopped, and got up and started to leave, before she could Ryo said

Ryo [Hey, why did you stop ?]

Which she replied to with

Scáthach [I finished washing your back]

And then she got out of the shower

Ryo [Damn it! Why did she do that?]

[Fufufu, she played with you quite a bit, dear]

Inana manifested in her full form in front of Ryo, and she was Stark naked

Ryo [Uhh, can you.. Can you help me out here?]

Inana [Of course dear, unlike her I find you quite attractive when you do Climax]

Inana then Grabbed Ryo's member but instead of Rubbing it she full on gave Ryo a Full Fellatio, as a Goddess of Love Inana was very Experienced, even though she actually never had a relationship with another man, her Talents were purely natural

Ryo [Inana, Am going to….]

Inana instead of Answering she started to twirl her tongue around Ryo's member, it was until he fully came in her mouth that she stopped

She looked at Ryo seductively and swallowed every bit of cum that was released by Ryo she even used her tongue to lick her lips from the remains

Ryo [Thank you, Inana]

Inana [No need, you can call me up whenever you need Darling, however am mad at you]

Ryo [It didn't seem like it]

Inana [Dear, I am a Goddess, I offered myself to you, yet you still haven't done anything to me but fool around, when you said you will give me something special I didn't think that you pleasure me, but not do it with me]

Ryo [You know, you're right, I am sorry Inana, I just needed to know you a bit more, am not stupid, I won't jump on all girls that come my way, especially not a Goddess that calls me Dear since our first meeting, you were just a bit too suspicious]

Inana [Does that mean, you trust me now?]

Ryo [Yes I do Inana, I will take you today, how about it]

Inana [Really !!! Finally]

Ryo [Now get back to your Chibi form, I have things to do]

Inana [of course, Dear]

Ryo than used a towel to Dry himself, and he went back to his Castle in Arkhan,

Ryo built a secret base in the Tunlan forest for his training completed with an onsen and many beds, but since they agreed that they will summon the new servants in Arkhan he decided to do it there, at least for this Time

When he reached his Castle he dropped down, many soldiers kneeled but Ryo simply nodded and moved inside

Lita [Welcome back Ryo, Lord Merlin is waiting for you in the throne Room]

Lita is no longer his Servant, he promoted her to be his Secretary, while Qiness is now the Country's Finances Minister, and everything else as well, since Ryo still hasn't found Ministers for other positions, Ryo still needed a Minster of Agriculture, Justice, Trade, Education and Magic since Merlin is acting as the Kingdom's Prime Minister, it would be too much to Hold a Magic minster as well, and it was also the fact that Merlin, has no Experience of teaching others in magic other than Ryo, so the Position is still vacant

Ryo went into the Throne Room and everyone kneeled but he just waved his hand and went to sit in his throne,

Ryo [So what do you have for me?]

Merlin [Well, the Acceptance of the Adventure Guild has been a complete success in both countries Arkhan and Zion, Babylonia is now officially allowing Adventures to be part of the Kingdom]

Ryo [Good, make sure that I meet with these Guild leaders before we completely let them start working, I want to have a grasp of their characters]

Merlin [Will that be all, my lord]

Ryo [No, Rama has assured me that the Army is in complete good form, however our magical unit, is lacking, very lacking]

Merlin [But we can't do anything about that my lord]

Ryo [Yes we can, tomorrow, Take every Grimoire from my Treasury that isn't above level 10 and invite The young, No matter the race and let them test their capabilities, tell Qiness to create a school for magic and the art of sword as well, we have to increase this country Magical skills, but we can't neglect other forms of war]

Merlin [You are willing to give your treasury for the people, reminds me of someone]

Merlin than disappeared with flower effects as usual

Ryo [*sigh* Next]

Ryo then Completed his daily tasks as a king and when he was done, he went down to the Basement he made with Merlin to summon Servants, he looked at the current Grimoires he had

{Current Grimoires in Possession

The King's Grimoire, Ark

Brawler's Grimoire, Zane (named it Zane)

4 Grimoires from 13-11

7971 Grimoires under Level 10}

He had gained more than Three thousand Grimoires during his Control of the Zion Kingdom, so he didn't mind losing some of them if it meant that it would strengthen his Kingdom

Ryo "time to summon New Servants"


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