
The founders.

In the door opening stands a man with brown grey hair and a rough beard. His face has a few wrinkles, but mostly crow's-feet at his eyes, presumably from laughing a lot. Rowena's lips curve into a smile, but it doesn't reach her eyes.

The man walks up to Rowena as he knowingly winks at the twins. "Ah Rowena, don't be such a spoil sport on their birthday. You might ruin their big day. Although their new looks are quite brilliant"

The man says with a slight laugh as he sees Rowena take a few glances at her daughters.

He walks past Rowena as he spreads his arms.

"Now can I get a hug from the birthday girls!?" He yells as a big smile is painted at his aging face. His wand makes a few twirls in the air as the foam disappears from sight.

Helena tries to keep a straight face as a smile slowly tries to form on her face. As he walks up to the man a loud scream is heard. "Unlce Godric!!"

Willow runs at full speed as she jumps into his arms. Putting his arms around her he twirls her in the air while laughing. Helena looks at her sister as her eyes are twitching at the sight. 'Not ladylike at all' Helena sighs.

"You sure are getting bigger with the year, be sure to take it easy, I don't want to walk you to the altar just yet" Godric says while wiping away an imaginary tear.

"How can I? I don't have anyone I fancy. Helena might marry before me" Willow says while looking at her sister with a strange knowing smile. As Willows eyes land on Helena all eyes turn on her. A shiver forms at Helena's spine. 'Whom ever might they be talking about?'. Seeing the confusion in Helena's eyes, Willow laughs.

Godric looks curiously at Willows eyes, 'What does she know?' He puts her down and looks Willow in the eyes. "Is there something we should know?" He asks as he sees Willow avoiding his eyes. "What would an old man know about love? If I want advise on love I will ask aunt Helga" Willow whispers as she looks out the window.

A vain is slowly expanding on his forehead as he hears Willows words. 'Don't think I can give advise, ask Helga? Am I that unattractive. Girls used to flock at my side! I just ignored them... I was too busy...' His thoughts seemed to trail off as Rowena gave him a questioning look. 'What is that old fool thinking?'.

A shadow seems to form as two more people walk in behind Godric who is still lost in thought. "That is a good idea Willow. You better ask Helga instead of this old fool of a man. Better yet listen to some advise of this old man. Marry a pureblood, as they will never betray you".

A man in a green robe walks in as he grabs Godric at the shoulders with both his hands. While beside him is a woman with in a brown dress. Long brown hair is cascading down at her back. Not single grey hair to be seen. As for the man in green, his almost non-existing dark black hair is slowly turning grey, as is his long beard.

"Uncle Salazar, aunt Helga how are you on this beautiful day" Helena replies as she gives a short bow.

"Your manners are exceptional as always Helena. Unlike your little wild sister" Salazar remarks as he looks at the little devil that is still hugging Godric.

"Well not everyone can be as free spirited as Willow. That is an art in itself" Helena comments as a sigh escapes her mouth. Which makes Helga give a small laugh. 'They really aren't alike'. As Helena is talking with Salazar, Willow slowly approaches Helga.

"Aunt Helga, do you have a moment, I need some advise" Willow asks as she gives a taunting smile at Godric, making him more depressed. 'When will they ever believe their uncle was once a handsome, strong and popular bachelor'.

Helga smiles as she takes Willows hand. "of course my dear, let's talk in private" Helga gives one more look at Godric as they walk toward the guest room. She closes the door behind them, sits down and casts a silencing spell on the room.

"Now dear, what would you like to talk about?" Helga smiles as she already knows the answer. She might be getting older, but curiosity doesn't die down when you get older, it only increases. And so does the eavesdropping on the young.

Knowing Helga Willow sighs. "Promise you won't tell the others. He will kill me if they find out" Willow whispers as she gives Helga a pleading look.

"Well why not, this old lady will keep her mouth shut. But promise me in return that you will come by more often. Salazar is quite busy lately and I would love the company" Helga smiles.

"Sure. Now do you know the old family next to the village down the hill? You know that rough and strict family in the north?". "Their son fancies Helena.... She doesn't know yet as he plans to meet and tell her when they both enroll Hogwarts...". Willow says as she is waiting for the response of Helga. 'Would she approve, disapprove? He really does like Helena... I have been hanging out with him for some time. If only he would tell Helena and go talk with her.

Willow sighs once more as she is vastly disappointed in the courage of the young man. As Willow looks up once more, she meets Helga's questioning eyes. "And how do you know this young man? Do you think Helena would like him as well, for the heart is a strange and mysterious thing". Helga asks as she looks at Willows stunned face.

"Ehm... We met at the bookstore in town. He thought I was Helena. Since then we have been hanging out to talk. And I think it would be good for Helena. If only she would open up to people".

"Well, all things come at a different time for everyone. And only Helena knows when it is that time. So for now let's wait and see what the future might hold for them. About another subject, Willow how is your research going? I heard it is giving you a hard time..". Willow looks up startled at the change of topic. A tired grunt escapes her mouth.

"Slow but getting there...".

"Well keep up with the hard work, make me proud. That way she will have to more things to talk about..." Helga jokes as she gets up, takes Willow by the hand and goes back to their company as they require some attention too.

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