
Chapter 100

Arthur's Point of View

The Pendragon Estate

Unfortunately, people did not leave me alone. Arceana and Elincia decided to hold a party in my home without my knowing. Several high society people were invited, by that I mean Nobles and Elves, along with several high-ranking officials. Thankfully, Greigh gave me a heads up about what was going to happen, and I dipped before Arceana, or her sister could ask me to do anything.

After spending a day in the Hollow Forest, avoiding the priestesses who were actively looking for me, the party was over. Returning to my new home, I was met with several servants and Town Guards who were cleaning the place up. I quickly informed them that I was an illusion and not really home before going to my room.

However, that's not to say I haven't had other, more pleasant, visitors. "Heya Arthur!" Austin greeted as he let himself inside while I was on my way to the kitchen. "Wanted ta stop by and say hi! Ah'm still allowed ta come in whenever, right?" He inquired.

Chuckling, I moved next to him with a nod. "You and anyone else in your family." Ruffling his hair got him to laugh. "I'm about to make a sandwich. Do you want one?"

He shrugged. "Sure."

We headed to the kitchen, which was my favorite room in the house. "So," I began as I pulled out some bread and got started. "How're things at the Reed Farmstead?" I inquired as he sat at the counter.

"Good. Miss ya a bit. The extra hands were nice, and havin someone ta talk to was nice as well."

Pointing at him took his eyes off the sandwich. "Anytime you want to talk, you come find me." Going back to slicing some ham, I continued. "Cassidy and Grandpa Reed are welcome here anytime."

"Grandpa said he expects ya ta still visit for supper every now and then." Austin informed me.

Gesturing to the redhead with my meat cutting knife, I replied. "I'm not too keen on cooking for myself or missing out on his cooking. That old man knows how to cook."

Austin chuckled. "Ah'll tell him you said so."

"How's Cassidy doing?" I asked as I set a plate down right in front of him.

Taking a bite, he replied with his mouth full. "Malrife."

Making another sandwich for me, I quirked a brow. "One more time. This time without the food in your mouth."

He swallowed and responded once more. "Alright. Been headin up ta the Temple every now and then like usual."

"Good to know."

"Is it true ya skipped out on some fancy party that was thrown in your own home?"

Finishing my sandwich, I took a bite and stared at him for a moment. "You have no proof." He giggled at that. "What're you doing out and about today though?" I finally asked as I sat down next to him at the countertop. "Don't you have some chores to do or something?"

"Well, Ah was told ta head into town and grab some stuff for the Festival of Lights comin up. Also needed ta stop by butchers and grab some cuts."

"Festival of Lights?"

Austin smiled as he explained. "It's a holiday! We celebrate the life and death of loved ones. Elves usually use some manner of spells to launch off the mountain while Zugal fly around in the sky with lanterns." He then gestured to himself. "We get candles and burn a candle outside for each person we've lost and those we're thankful to still have around!"

I couldn't tell if it was a sweet idea or fucked up. "That sounds fun." Was my soft response.

"Did ya want ta come with me? We can get our stuff together?" Austin jumped up on his stool excitedly.

Since I didn't have anything planned today, I figured going with him wasn't the worst thing in the world. "Sure. Finish that sandwich, and we'll head out."

Celebrating the Festival of Lights wasn't on my to-do list. Instead, I wanted to find out when it was happening so I could make my way to the Old Capital. The ruins were deep in the Hollow Forest, and I didn't need anyone following me again. Hopefully, I could look into a few things and maybe see if Aydan's room was still there. Maybe there would be something to help me.

Austin and I walked through the streets, where people waved at me any chance they got. Apparently, I was a hero of sorts to these people. Stopping Rudnurth and moving between them and the Hollow Forest really seemed to resonate with them. Ignoring it as I usually did, didn't seem to make them falter either. Just annoyed me when I could hear the word 'hero' whispered around.

"Ah'm glad ya decided ta come with! It's nice havin someone ta talk to!" Austin said cheerfully as we walked down the street.

"It certainly can be. How about after this, I take you to the Rainy Helm. My treat."

"Uh… Ah don't think Ah'm allowed in there."

Rolling my eyes, I replied. "You're not going to be drinking, and I'm pretty sure they're setting up soon. No one else should be there. Let's just hope that Sherry lets us in."

Austin nodded happily. "Okay!" He replied as we made our way to Butch's. "Hi, Floyd!"

"Hey, Austin!" Floyd said back cheerfully. "Hi, Arthur!"

Rolling my eyes, I answered. "Meh."

"Don't be like that!" Floyd said as he hung over the counter. "I fed you once, and you broke my knee! To me, that evens out!"

My borrowed redheaded stepchild looked up to me, slightly alarmed. "Ya broke his knee?" Austin questioned softly.

I shrugged. "He attacked me. Self-defense is something I live by. He's lucky he didn't do that before I met you. Probably would've killed him."

Floyd stood back up in his apron and nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I could see that." Then he looked back to Austin. "So, what can I get you today!?"

Obviously, he was concerned about what he just heard, but decided to ignore it. "Ah was told Cass placed an order or somethin? Should already be paid for."

Floyd started sifting through some papers as I looked around the streets. To my surprise and disappointment, two cloaked figures were roaming around the streets. They were Ghoul cloaks or the High Elf from before. Instead, they were covered in non-enchanted gear with their faces kind of covered. I groaned upon realizing it was Alwin and Arceana Jr.

They were acting sketchy and looking around far too much to be spying on me, which just made it worse. What kind of idiots wear cloaks like that to sneak around? Apparently, the kind who are out laughing and having fun in disguise. I shook my head as Austin continued to talk with Floyd while kept a close eye on them to see what was happening. However, as I watched them, black magic signals entered my field of vision.

Quickly whipping my head in that direction, I saw a few people watching them on the opposite side of the street. There was no red magic signals, only black. I was ven more confused as they didn't appear to be Ghouls or Demons. They appeared to be ordinary people, and their magic energy was rather low. However, it was obvious they were watching Alwin and Lucia.

"You doing okay?" Floyd asked me.

"Floyd, can you do me a favor?"

"Uh, sure?" He responded, slightly surprised.

"Can you keep an eye on Austin for me? I need to check on something." I told him, and apparently, he noticed the look on my face.

He nodded in a serious manner before he replied. "Of course."

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Hope everyone is enjoying the story! Got more plans in developement and mystery shrouded in confusion! Lol.

Von_5371creators' thoughts
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