
When Foresight Fails. Part 2

With a speed that was deserving of a Three-star Cosmic saint, Makena suddenly appeared in mid-air with her saint energy wrapped around an unknown man (unknown to Dhruv) who was flying with the use of large Crimson Devil wings.

That's right, Dhruv saw the wings for what they were.

And how could he not when he felt the nefarious energies they were giving off.

He was not so misinformed to think Hal was a monster or simply someone with a connection to the Dystopian continent. No, this strange, smiling young man was someone with a Connection to the Devil.

Although to be fair, Devil worship remained something to be linked with the Dystopian continent's Devil tribe.

"Well, well, well. So this is the one-man reinforcement I foresaw. This is the one you have as a backup, Makena?

A child?" Dhruv was incredulous as he looked Hal up and down.

Next chapter