
Chapter 40: Different Kinds of Love, Part 4

I reached the middle of the fence row, then turned and walked back while Carlos walked on, and Trevor and Derek stayed with me, flanking me. Trevor walked further down the fence row with his weapon in hand. Derek stayed near me within earshot, but walked about six feet away, again, trying to be inconspicuous.

As I walked the perimeter of the fence, I looked down and couldn't believe my eyes, for at the bottom of the fence was a small indention, as if someone had dug a small hole under the fence when no one was looking. It wasn't noticeable, covered by stones before it. I raised my weapon, ready in case I needed it, and walked slowly toward the spot so as not to attract attention.

A minute later, my mother, little brother, and Brandon were at the fence. Brandon turned his back to the fence in an attempt to remain unnoticed, watching the guards.

"Mom," I said, my defenses instantly coming down as a tear trailed slowly down my face. "It's good to see you, Mom."

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