
Combat test day 5 ( Dan vs Piper) II

As the arena clears and Dan lowers his arms, he is blindsided by Piper as she appears suddenly at his left side and lands a powerful kick to his side which sent him flying.

Dan manages to land on his feet but he doesn't have time to get into battle stance as Piper comes rushing in at him like a crazy person.

Dan puts up his arms for a block but the impact of Piper's punch still takes him back a bit.


"Whoa. That girl is really strong."

Okoye remarks squinting her eyes.

"Not exactly strong. More like she is fast."

Sai chips in.

"What do you mean??"

Okoye asks.

"You said she is strong. But the way you said it made it sound like she is physically stronger than Dan but that's not the case. Dan is still physically stronger than her, the problem is her pace. She is faster than Dan and so uses that to her advantage."

Sai explains.

"Is that so??"

Okoye tilts her head up a little.

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