
Edward is dangerous!

"Why in the hell did you go there?" Xavier asked as he walked inside her home office and closed the door behind him.

"Huh? To where?" Valentina asked as she got up from the chair and walked towards him.

"Don't play dumb, Valentina... I know, you went to Edward's company." Xavier answered as he walked towards her while Valentina sat down on the couch.

"Who told you that I went to his company?" Valentina asked.

"Does it matter?" Xavier asked.

"Of course, it does!" Valentina answered.

"Rose... She came yelling into my office saying you were talking nonsense infront of her father... Why did you even go there in the first place?" Xavier asked making Valentina sigh.

"Didn't she tell you the reason?" Valentina asked.

"No... She didn't..." Xavier answered.

"How can that be possible?" Valentina asked making Xavier sigh.

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