
Arriving to the Litespace Universe Reuinion

lets put on a tunes melody said and they cruised the rest of the way playing this song 

tribes fav songs Melody remix 

da da dabby dooby do ~

  da do do da doody doo,~ eeeehhhhh~

eeeeehhh ~ eeeeyyyyeeee~

da da dabby dooby do,~

  do do dooby dooo,~

  da da booy da da do~

  eeeey ~

dream,~ dream,~ dream,~

  dream ~dream ~dream ~ dream ~

we got west side tribes holla ~ yoo

we got east side tribes holla ~ eeeey

we got north side tribes holla~ yoo

we got south side tibes holla~eeeey

if you cant navigate in our universe dont bother !

tribes vybes up let get this hype up!

It's been a long trip since i  last saw you my friend

And I'll tell you all about it when I see you again

We've come a long way from where we began

Oh, I'll tell you all about it when I see you again ~

bottom of the dragon called the south east tail 

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