
Silver Origins

"you're home early Daisuke how was the showcase?"

"who is this cutie?" blue hair asked her gaze curious

"guys this is sienna our new songwriter," Daisuke said

"wait I am?" sienna asked shocked

"oh so you're the one that wrote After You?" pink hair asked

"I did write it, but he got my lyrics accidentally" sienna responded, "I'm not an actual songwriter!"

"you're not an actual songwriter? then Daisuke what's going on?" blue hair asked with a frown

"well I haven't gotten around to asking her yet that why I brought her here so we could discuss it properly," he said sheepishly

"Besides she's definitely going to agree to be our songwriter, I don't want to compose songs for anyone else's lyrics except hers"

sienna's eyes went wide at that statement

"what does that mean? you don't want to compose songs for anyone else's lyrics?" she asked

"oh dear I'm so sorry you must be so confused right now," blue hair said

"come sit down" she took her to the couch

"I'm sure you've seen Kaleb the bassist? he's my twin brother, I'm Kanna the band manager" she explained

"this other girl is Melody, she's Zane's wife and she also manages our star stream media channels for us"

sienna was shocked no wonder they were a band that wanted to maintain their independence,

they weren't like any other bands that existed on Prylea,

it was taboo for boy band members to date or have steady girlfriends, because of their female fans

yet this band was about to debut, and one of the members was already married, and another had a twin sibling, who was also a band member

that was why they choose to live together like a family, they were all taking care of each other

"wow, that's really awesome!" Sienna said softly she was moved

"you guys are so lucky you have each other and you are all sharing the same dream of being successful together aren't you?"

"you can already tell that much?" Kanna asked astonished "looks like your EQ is off the charts"

sienna nodded "it's already unusual enough for a member of the band to have a twin sister who is the band manager but Zane is actually married?"

"actually, this band consist of members who come from all over the galaxy" Melody explained

"We are all kids who immigrated here from our home planets," Kanna said

"Kaleb and I came from Warzun the Speed Planet our parents passed away in a crash, and we were sent to live with our uncle, but he wasn't exactly a nice person so we ran away from home and ended up here on Prylea" she explained

"Zane and I are from Atlantica the Water Planet" Melody added

"Zane and I have been together ever since we were kids we met on the beach and he would play me songs on his guitar, Zane dreamed of being a musician,

so I encouraged him to leave the planet and pursue his dream, I knew he was talented and I believed in him, but I was a mermaid I was born and raised and lived in the water, so I couldn't leave as he could,

so it was hard for us to part, because we only had each other all our lives, we are both orphans and so we became very close, after meeting each other we always kept each other company and relied on each other, he became determined that he wouldn't leave me

he got a job and worked hard and even sold his precious guitar to get enough money for two tickets on a ship for us to leave Atlantica together,

seeing him putting himself through so much for me, I decided I couldn't let him do it all on his own, I decided to leave the water to be with him, and after I went through the process to permanently shed my tail and gills,

I also started working too and eventually, we raised the money and were able to leave and that is how we came to Prylea together,

after going through so much and making the journey all the way here, we decided to get married because we loved each other dearly and didn't want to be apart"

"the other members are also the same" Kanna continued somberly

"Liam our drummer is a kid who came from a poor family on Exocon mining planet, his dad was abusive to him and his mother when he was little

and one night his dad came home drunk in a rage and harmed Liam's mother and then tried to harm Liam, but Liam escaped though injured he ran for help

and his dad then committed suicide because he didn't want to go to galactic prison for his crime,

Liam grew up in an orphanage and then when he was too old to stay there, he left Exocon and came to Prylea

as a stowaway on a ship, he didn't have any dream or goal for himself, he didn't have any other family members to return to anymore,

so he was happy to just leave and seek his fortune wherever the ship happened to take him, it was by pure chance that it came here to Prylea,

we all met as teenagers living here on Prylea on our own, and became friends, we all bonded over one thing its that we all lost our parents and our mutual love of music,

and so we ended up sticking together and becoming each others family"

"and as for me, " Daisuke said "my dad was from Huassain my mother was an earthling like you

she came to Huassain on a merchant ship and met my dad,

and my dad bonded with her, and they became mates, and my dad was Exiled from Huassain because of it

back then it was against our culture and customs for a Huassain male to bond and become mates with someone outside his own kind,

it had never happened before, so it was a really big deal

Huassain people still possess genetic traits from our ancient animal ancestors,

physically we are stronger, faster, and have powerful bodies, with animal-like senses and instincts

that are beyond those of the average human

we are more primal and are seen as a primitive race, who is very aggressive and scary

even more dangerous than other human races, it was never expected that males of our kind would be able to mate and bond

with ordinary humans who were thought to be weaker than us and thus would easily be killed or harmed by us, not being able to adapt and coexist with our primal animal-like natures,

but my parents proved every theory to be wrong,

we are primal but that doesn't mean we are beast, who will randomly attack and harm other human races for no reason, it is possible for us to be civilized just like ordinary humans,

and coexist peacefully with other races and my mother came to understand those things and she loved my dad

so my parents left Huassain together and came to Prylea

where they had me I was the first half Huassain half-human child born to our kind of course

now there are lots of mixed Huassain couples and mixed Huassain kids around in recent years scientist have confirmed,

it's possible for Huassain males to find their mates outside our own kind so it's more acceptable now

but back then my parents were seen as a very strange and famous couple in this galaxy

they made their living as Galactic Merchants and they were never apart from each other so they became pretty well known

my mothers family were merchants, so they have a thriving business, with a fleet of ships that do trade between various planets,

my parents left on a trip to deliver goods off-world, it was a routine run for them, but then when they didn't come back in time,

they sent out someone to investigate and discovered their ship had been attacked by pirates who raided the ship, stole the goods, and killed everyone on board including my parents,"

"oh my gosh!" sienna gasped her hands covered her mouth stunned,

she had never imagined they all had such painful backstories,

"I was raised here on Prylea by my moms brother my uncle and his family was all human except for me

eventually during my maturing years, though they had never been unkind to me, I sensed I was becoming a burden on them, because I am Huassain I am still different from them,

my instincts and pride wouldn't permit me to stay anymore, so I left to find a life for myself

I met Kaleb first he befriended me and introduced me to his family at the time he and Kanna were living with Zane and Melody and we all became friends, we found Liam after we decided to start a band together, a bunch of kids from all across the galaxy,

living on our own, but we all had dreams for a happy future, one way or another, so we just threw our lot in with each other

and I sense the same thing in you sienna you're like us aren't you?"

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