
141- Tea Time

Jovis, Year of Severus, 15, I.R., the 51st day of Fall, Arenfall


The camp was eerily silent and still. There were no birds singing or passing by and even the wind was a tad shy to blow its gentle breathe over the camp. Prince Arterius with the rest of his men were at a standstill. Lady Bieroff just marched over to their camp and demanded she take it for her house's name—Lucresia's. Arterius somehow managed to delay the inevitable by non-chalantly asking for the veiled Lady to do a discourse over a wonderful cup of tea.

His knights hurriedly set up a tent big enough to fit 20 men of each side and took the long table that his godfather used for their strategic planning. Lord Prestonheim offered that table for them to have an ample space incase the discourse goes awry.

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