
chapter 17 the talk and training

"( Okay 👌 my queen 👸, I am sorry for acting like a jealous idiot, we don't have to talk.) Said, Cao Mei, " sure why not a piece of sponge cake 🎂 sounds good." ( No, my king 👑. you got a family to protect, I not holding that against you to be on the defense, some time we not only provide what they want and need. We sit down and talk with them my king 👑 and my prince.) Said, Sun Mei. " (

   Got you,I give it a try, see you Tonight for

dinner 🍲? Asked. Cao Mei, "( yes,  we will be there for you my love.) He went to get him a place of spronge cake 🎂, "( how about we give the Cook's a night of and go North and see what they are serving for dinner 🍽️?) Said, Cao Mei. " ( Are you asking me or telling me my husband?) Asked. Sun Mei, "(asking you my queen 👸, my wife, and my love.) At the training ground, " we will be your spear legion my queen 👸, said Huan Wan. " Come with me, you Seventeen stay here,  ( make the reservation for dinner 🍽️ my king 👑, make sure it is kd zone. ) Said, Sun Mei. They walked up the  land, back in the West at a village man house 🏡.

     He walked out of the kitchen 🔪 with plates of cake 🎂. "( I on it my love ❤️, ) he cut his screen off and take the plate from him. " So what do you and her using talk about?  He scan through the map of the North city, he is looking for a kid zone inn for his family, "life my king 👑, how is you and the family? He asked,  on the train ground a lancaster field appear, "  you must be firm and quick on your feet. You have twenty minutes to strike first before they do, captain wan proceed. Momma " yes Cao? " Began my Lancer's! They begin training again.  He mustard few words out, " where popa? He was trying to ask where is popa at. " Keep practicing son you walk and talk soon,  popa is in the west taking live audience,  said, Sun Mei. Back in the west. " life? I am good and they are good to. Little one is learning how to walk and he is starting to learn how to talked, are you married and do you have kids?(how may I help you?) Ask a man, "( are you a kid zone inn?) Asked, Cao Mei. " A son who doesn't want anything to do with me. I believe she was trying to find him to talk with him for me, did she say anything about it? He eat a piece of sponge cake 🎂. "( Yes, what you need?) He asked again.  At the training ground She walked up to them,  "  we need axeman who wants that spot? Asked  Sun Mei, "  I do my queen 👑. Said, Yao Ai. They walked up the hills and a archery camp appear, back in the west inside of the house 🏡. "  No, not to my knowledge but she has been in terrible marriage with my older brother, ( do you have any empty booths?)-( my queen 👸.)  What else do you both talked about? Asked. Cao Mei,

      " You haven't touched your cake 🎂? You and she told me

  That she is suffering in a marriage with a man that do not love her. "( Yes, my king 👑?) Asked. Sun Mei, "( we are full at the inn . ) He told him. At the training ground. "( have you talked to his son yet?) Asked. Cao Mei, " you must hit your target from fifty feet away. Your target has less than you, captain Ai  proceed. ( You do know that we been have not opportunity to do that this week or year  my dear .)-(popa) he called to his father. "(

    Hi son, you been a good?) Back at the house 🏡 that is in the west. He eat some of the cake 🎂,  " you have a son? He asked him. " ( When do you think you have a clear table?) Yes we have a soon, answered. Cao Mei, " (I don't know,) he answered. " The queen 👑 had a baby 👶? He asked, him. At the training ground," we will my queen 👸. said, Yi Qiao. they walked down the path and a axe throwing camp appear, " not only that you be fighting with sword 🗡️ and axe's, your swords is your secondary weapon, your axe is your main weapon. You need to make it apart of you

     We need to know how to move with it, you have Less time for your apverterly strikes first. Captain Qiao proceed, so they begin to train, "( okay Li start inside of the castle 🏰 for me,) in the west and inside of the house 🏡.

   "  Yes she had my son which is your prince,  he looked again and the North. The sun ☀️ is going down in the sky 🌄 for the day. Now it's the evening, " the rest of you are legion of calvary, we need to be fast to ride and strike, that goes for you too son join your legion. Captains mount them up. She straps him in his seat, they got on their horse 🐴,

In the house, " what she said my king 👑?

( Yes how may I help you?) The woman asked, at the training ground. All of the legion is training, to be ready for everything. "(You got them set up?) Asked. Wu Mei, "( yes, father they are training now.) My spear legion spears up and launch, instructed, Sun Mei.  Back in the west in the man house. "(yes do you

have any available table and are you a kid zone inn?) asked, Cao Mei. at the training ground,"(That is good my daughter, you need to grow bigger, I have two legions ready for you.) Said, Wu Mei. (what do you think my king 👑 adding two more legion?)-(Zou I need you to find someone for a village man son,) said. Sun  Mei, " my legions of archers arrows up. The spear legion is doing good, " that's it my legion strike hard and fast. Said, Huan Wan. Back in the west inside of the house 🏡, "( no sorry, this is drinking inn.) He told him, "(do you have any available table like way from that?)

let's do it my queen 👸.)

Said, Cao Mei.  The wind 🌬️ is starting to move through The tree 🎄,  and there is a

Loud howling in the woods and forrest. "(Okay 👌 father we will be down that way after dinner 🍽️,) she walked up to the calvary of legions. "  Captains faster, be like fire 🔥.

Said, Sun Mei. " You hear the queen full galloping mode, said. Hou Long, at the house 🏡. " ( This is not a free kid zone and we do not serve no crown 👑 here,) the inn keeper told him. He got up and walked out of the house 🏡," ( look hear me out, I just went to treat my family out to dinner, my wife and my son, he is a good boy and two  he doesn't make a sound, if you was married and so in love with the mother of your son. You would want to do something for them, please have a heart ❤️, )

     Begged. Cao Mei, "( sure, I Have a table.) Will he safe it for them,  at the training ground she walked up to the Legion of archers. "( Where at we joining you and talk about it.) Asked,  Wu Mei, " ( you would have to ask Cao,) how they are doing captain? Asked  Sun Mei, " we good my queen 👸, if you need to go. Said, Yao Ai. Back at the house 🏡, "(thank you be there in a few minutes,)  he closed his screen and walked into the door. " I have to go so I meet  up with my family.  We discussed about your son, said. Cao Mei, he put his plate down. And got on his horse 🐴  and head down to the next house, " you okay my king 👑.

     Asked, Zeng Shun . " Yeah I find, tell me did you find that is odd that he only asked for her? Asked. Cao Mei, "  it is something odd about that, my king 👑. Said, Cai Bolin. " I know the queen 👑 is not like that and wouldn't ruin herself or family name, said. Yu Meilin, " I know she wouldn't, but he has nothing to lose. Said, Cao Mei. Back at the training ground, " okay, after they get done take them home 🏡 and bring Jr to me, said. Sun Mei, " I'll my queen 👸, said. Yao Ai,  she jumped on her horse 🐴 and left. Momma, she ride up to them, " mom had to go have to go help popa with  live audience.  Finished your bonding and training son we see you later on. said, Sun Mei. He kicked his feet while he crying. "

come on son ,  this is important for you to train, I not really leave you behind, she left out of the training ground and they continue to train for the remaining few hours,  she met up with Cao Mei.

     " How is our son doing? Asked. Cao Mei, " raving cause I left. Said Sun Mei, "  didn't want momma to leave, sun I don't know about him,  special when it's not important or emgercy.  Said,  Cao Mei, "  sometimes Cao talking and taking cansuncel what some need,  specially when I was constantly being used, hurt and cheated on by your brother. Said, Sun Mei. They knocked on the door, " yes, who is it. The elderly woman asked, " did he make you feel better my wife? I don't want you to go back to him again okay? It's the queen 👑 and the king 👑 of the west answering your call. I won't you will and our to my king 👑,  somewhat he did, somewhat. Said, Sun Mei. "

     What! No, no. She opened the door for them. " Oh my queen 👸 and my king 👑, please come in. She strokes his face and give him a look as she walked in the house 🏡,  " okay, okay just this few times. Said, Cao Mei. " No, my king 👑 when he calls. I handle the females audience and ty can handle the male audience sound good my love? Sorry about that getting everything cleared up, how may we asist you? Asked, Sun Mei. " Some of us can't make it less two feet to the river or ocean 🌊, we are dying of water 💦 my queen 👸 and my king 👑. She said, they look at each other,  " we will see what we can do, I ride down East in talk with them about using their well until we can get enough gold to build one of our own, " we still have no way to get there my queen 👸, a lot of us is bridal and old,.  " Really Sun you go out of your way to find his son but not bit far for her , Said. Sun Mei. She walked up to him and look at him, " I go farther for anyone. Not just for someone who wants to talk,  if you want to be a king 👑, act like it., Not like someone that doesn't have a reason to be jealous!  Those are the only three options the river, the ocean 🌊, and East. Maybe set up delivery wagon for water y delivered daily. If you can do better than that Cao Mei go  for, put your power to work as king, taken care of the elderly is in your hands now, she  walked out of the house 🏡, and walked down to the next house.

     " We figured out away for you to get water 💦.  He walked up to her and put his hand on her, " don't ever let slip out that I don't care about the elderly,  yes I know they are sick need  to be looked at , find me physician to take care of them, yes I know they can not move far get a delivery wagon set to send food,  as for water 💦, you want it well built tax them see how that goes Cao, you been king for few years I have been queen 👸 a century, do not over step me when we are one voice! She knocked on the door, " hey I sorry I love you Sun can we forget about this? She looks at him and said, " it's forgotten about my king 👑. I being serious, no one in my family could please the misable old. But if you want the job you are welcome to it, she knocked on the door,

      An married man and woman both open the door, they look like they are so in love with each other. "  Please 🥺 come in my queen 👸 and my king 👑! They said together. "  Wait, why they have to be called them the misable old? Dropping it,  thanks my love. They walked in the door and they closed the door behind them," I agree with the queen 👑 my king 👑. The first king 👑 which is her great great great great grandparents couldn't please . The married man said, " rice 🍚, they been given rice 🍚,that is not enough now they want meat 🍖. They got that still not satisfied, said. The married woman,  " tea 🍵 my queen 👸 and my king 👑? "  That is good thank you, sometimes married couples just wanted to talk to us . Sun Mei told him, " I can handle the old Sun but without you by my side, tell me you are by my side please have me on this please.






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