
Western Front

William's main force,

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

The 333rd Krieg artilleries went off like a firework as whistles of shells can be heard over the main force's head and landed on incoming zombies. The field turned into a blaze while zombies turn into crisp as their flesh burned and the burning smell of meat was carried away by the wind.

While the company of Kriegs continues to fire their heavy support weapons, Lord Commander Creed orders his senior officers to pass on his orders and maintain the formation of the entire guardsmen. Currently, the Blacksouls are surrounded by the zombies in the front and 120 Plague Marines of the 14th Legion. Additional Blacksouls came to reinforce their brothers but William's strategy to bottleneck the enemy turned upside down as his sudden disappearance didn't help with the morale of the overall troops.

Besides the Kriegs bombing to their heart content, the guardsmen of the Mordian Iron Guards and Cadian troopers march forward to face the Emperor's enemy and traitors to the Imperium. The 14th Legion might be Warp-mutated superhuman warriors of the Space Marine Legion but thousands of lasguns are still thousands of lasguns. Of course, Lord Creed sends additional support to back the guardsmen just to make sure traitors stay dead.

Following right behind the guardsmen are, 5 Sentinels, and 4 Baneblades super battle tanks that not even Space Marine can survive if they run him over. The Imperial Knights of the Freeblade Knight Scion of Wrath and Freedblade Knight Spear of Olympus stay behind in the main base in case of additional drop pods come down from the traitor's ship. Their anti-air weaponry is now fully armed as they previously failed to intercept the dozen drop pods. The failure was on Creed's as his continued victory made him soft on the battlefield.

'Never again will I look down on my enemy even if I have the number advantage.' Creed rolls his unlit cigar with his two fingers as he observes the battlefield. The battlefield at the moment is under his control as enemy forces are more focused on Null Marines than his forces. He already sent half of his forces to finish the job while holding back the reserves in case something unexpected happens.

Then, the unexpected happened…

One of the Catachan scout report back to the headquarter through vox radio with urgency.

"This is Green Beast 02. Reporting incoming enemy forces from the west side. I will say again, there are incoming enemy forces of unknown origin coming. There are hundreds, no, thousands of walking skeletons and undead monsters. We are pulling back to the line, the enemy ETA, 40 minutes."

Lord Creed snape his cigar in his hand but maintain his facial expression as he recalculates his resources and makes a plan for a change of strategy. At this moment, there aren't enough men to face the incoming army of undead. The ones he is facing will take time to wipe out but it requires what he has to finish the traitors.

"Lord Commissar Cain," Creed spoke softly but with authority in his tone to call his commissar.

"Yes, Lord Commander Creed." Cain steps forward with one of his hands on the hilt of his chainsword. Ironically, out of all the officers on his command, Lord Commissar Cain is the most confident one to accomplish his mission.

The Commissariat is outside of the Astra Militarum and technically doesn't have to follow any order given but Cain is a different kind of Commissar and his duty to the Golden Throne is greater than regulations.

"Lord Commissar, I need you to take our reserve forces to face the incoming enemy forces. Take whatever you need to hold them down and give me time to finish this battle. You have my authority to take one of the knights if you must."

"Thank you but I believe you need these knights more than me. I will take Catachan, Tempestus Scions, and Valhallan Ice Warriors to hold the west flank." Cain said proudly and decline the offer of taking one of the power units under Lord Creed's command. Of course, all these acts were to maintain his position as Hero of the Imperium but also to stay in great favor under Lord Creed's view of him.

'And here comes my tingling sensation coming from my hand.' Cain knew he is about to face danger from taking this new assignment. Considering that he is taking elite soldiers and a few of the armor vehicles including his trusty aide Jurgen driving Chimera, Cain isn't worried.

"I will join as well." The angelic voice came from Cain's back and just by hearing the voice, Cain knew that the trouble came to him first before he could face the enemy.

Living Saint Rana, The Lioness of Holy Terra step forward with two senior members of the Sisters of Battle behind her. Unlike how Cain pictured the Living Saints before, Rana didn't possess the white wings on her back but she have enough armor and weapons to hold Chaos dreadnought if she wants to.

"My Saint, are you sure? Wouldn't it be better for you to stay here and wait for the Chapter Master to return?" Lord Creed said to Rana but it was a hopeless effort to persuade her as she was already leaving the command center.

"I will wait for him on the battlefield just like I expect him to be on the one right now. He will return and he will not fail us." With that, the Living Saint left to assemble her sisters for the battle.

"I will also depart right now. I'm sure the west defense line won't be much of an issue but I will do what I can to make sure she stays safe until Lord William returns. Emperor protects." Cain said to Lord Creed and left the command center with Jurgen following him behind with a lasgun on his shoulder.

Lord Creed watches the Hero of the Imperium leave with confidence, unknown to him, Cain's facial expression was in a panic. Returning focus back to battle in hand, Creed grabs a new cigar from one of his pouches and catches up on the most current battle intel while Kriegs continue to fire their weapons.


35 minutes later,

'By the Holy Terra, how am I going to survive this?' Cain sat on his usual sit inside of the Chimera while Jurgen drive the tank like a maniac. With a full regiment of Valhallan Ice Warriors of 1200 guardsmen, a platoon of Catachan Jungle Fighters, and Tempestus Scions under his command, Cain made the defensive line to welcome the new enemy.

As for the Sisters of Battle, their strategy wasn't much of a strategy as their power suits, bolters, melta guns, and flamers tell Cain all about their tactics. The sisters aren't running toward the enemy in the field because of Rana's command. Standing behind the line, the knights of Rana's homeland wait while primitives troops equipped with swords and bows made their own defensive lines beyond Cain's primary line.

With heavy vehicles and support weapons mounted on high ground, Cain order his men to wait for the enemy to come in close. The lasgun and heavy bolters will do the rest but if there are any special units mixed within, the flamers take them out before they get any closer.

"This is Commissar Cain. I know we are facing a new enemy while our brothers and sisters of Astra Militarum are fighting traitors. I also know that you will do your duty because we are the ones defending them from the enemy and being overwhelmed by them. Today, we are the shield and spear of the Imperium, remember that." Everyone heard Cain's speech through the vox radios and their spirit reach ever-high as their voices echo through the hills and green field.

"Enemy on sight! Commissar, they have greater daemon!" The same scout from before reported right away when he saw the giant daemon armed with a skull mace. Orcus the Lord of Undead and Blood finally reach his destination as the golden light that bugged him ever since his last battle is near. The light that embodies the living angered him to the point he decided to wage war without considering which gods he is fighting.

'Emperor's bowels! What on the Golden Throne is that thing doing here?' Before Cain could compose himself, an angelic voice shouted, this time with the fury and might of the avatar of the Emperor.

"For the Emperor! Fire at will!" With orders given, Rana pulls out her golden bolter with an engraving of a lion from her waist. With a loud sound of 'bang' the battle of the West Line started as Orcus himself charged head first.


"I will have your skull and skin as trophies!" Orcus swing his club wildly to block incoming red light that burns his skin. It wasn't much as the red light from the humans only burn the surface but this was a different story for his undead minions.

The undead and skeletons quickly fell down as lasguns burned through their bodies and damaging them to the point they couldn't function. The problem lies when Sisters of the Battle join the fight as their flaming weapons and bolters cut down rank after rank of the undead.

On other hand, Cain wasn't having a great day as well. The countless number of undead swarmed the defensive line while unimaginable creatures of witchcraft and warp-like beings cast spell after spell towards his Chimera. The heavy armor withstands the damage and some of the spells such as fireballs were nothing but soon more and more came in to destroy the most threatening-looking thing in the field. That is before the Living Saint of the Emperor step forward to challenge the Orcus in one vs one fight.

"Let us settle this once and for all. I know you came for me to extinguish the light of the Emperor. I will fulfill your wish but in exchange, I will take your head." Rana pulls out her great sword and golden shield to face the demon of the legend from her world.

"Hahaha, now that is something you don't see every day. A woman stepping out to do a man's work. Oh, how the gods have fallen to send you." Orcus taunt the Living Saint without realizing who she was serving or who she represents. Until now, Orcus simply assume that one of the living embodiments of the god came to the mortal world which enraged Orcus as he can't stand the living itself.

"You have no idea who I serve, do you? That will be your downfall." Rana places her shield in front and readies her sword. The Living Saint and Lord of the Undead are about to engage in a duel while the battlefield once again rages as two forces of different factions finally collide against each other.

Unknown to everyone, four Thuderhawks entered the New World's atmosphere with a leading drop ship carrying Chapter Master of the Blacksoul Space Marines. Receiving weak signals but understanding the situation, William decided to unleash the new reward he got from destroying the Plague Marine's Battle Barge.

"Thunder one and two will change direction to the west line. Thunder three and four will fly over the main force to give fire support and rejoin the one and two. By the Emperor's guidance, we will end the fight today." William gave his instruction and look into his inventory. Marked as a new item in the inventory, William possesses a golden summoning card of legendary status. The Imperator-class Titan, Apostate's End.
