
Chapter 4- The Prison

A/N okay so we bout to have a big ass time skip so get ready!!!!

2 years later

Axel's POV-

Me and Tanner were out looking for a place to sleep tonight. We hadn't trusted anyone or been in any groups since the last one about 4 months ago, Just the thought of the last group sent shivers down my spine. We were in a grocery store looking for food, but we had no luck.

"Dammit!" Tanner exclaimed. We hadn't eaten in a few days so we were both hungry and tired. Although on the bright side we had found a place near a river. And guess what! The river had clean water. We wanted to travel West of the river but there was always the sound of walkers over there. I just didn't feel like risking it.

"Axel!" Tanner said as I looked over to her. She was holding a can of beans. I smiled so wide I swear you could've stuck a whole ball in my mouth. (A/N Wink Wink ; ) ) I rushed over to her and she opened it with her pocket knife. We split it but I ended up giving her more and saying I didn't want it.

We got up and started walking outside. "We should just go back to the river." I said not knowing where else to go. "yeah." We then walked back to river. When we got there we started a fire and set up our sleeping bags. "I'll take first shift." I said as she quickly rolled over to go to sleep.

Tanner's POV-

"Hey sweetheart. You be good and I won't hurt ya." The man said with a sickly smile. He then pulled a knife out and put it to my throat. "Take your shirt off." he said. I didn't respond at first but then he pressed the knife into my throat slightly drawing blood. "I said take the shirt off!" he yelled slamming his fist on the table. My eyes started to well up with tears as I took my shirt off. With that I felt every ounce of dignity I ever had leave my body. He turned my body around to face him and I stared at the ground watching my tears hit the concrete floor. "The bra too." he said. I let out a silent sob and did as I was told. He then turned my body to face the table and slammed me into it. Just as he was about to take my pants off the door burst open. I looked up and saw Axel all beat up. The man walked out of the room and past Axel as Axel tried to grab him. Although he couldn't due to the two men holding him back. After He left the two men followed and Axel ran to me. He took off his shirt for me to put on then pulled me into a massive hug. I just sat there in his embrace sobbing until I feel asleep.

I gasped as I shot up from my sleeping bag. I had tears running down my face as I was trying to control my breathing. I looked over and saw Axel sitting right next to me with concern in his eyes. "Another nightmare?" he asked I simply nodded my head and got up. I walked over to the river and washed my face off before going back to our setup.

"Hey I think we should go look at the North side of the river." Axel said. I had been trying to get him to do it for like a week now. I violently nodded my head as we got ready. After about 10 mintues we were both ready.

Wow we looked like humans. A couple days ago we had found a real clothes store. Of course we both had there vests on. They were pretty big on us as kids so they fit pretty good now.

Axel's POV-

We started to walk across the river with help from a bridge like thing mad from a fallen tree trunk. We walked more north until we heard something behind us. We both quickly turned grabbing our crossbows.

"Who's there? Come out now!" Tanner yelled. We then heard rustling and saw an Korean dude. He looked to be in his 20's. "I'm not gonna hurt you just put down your guns." he said calmly with his hands up. "Not gonna happen Jack-ass!" I spit back. "How old are you guys?" he asked with curiosity printed on his face.

"14." we answered in unison. We then turned to each other and giggled. I had an amazing giggle not gonna cap. But I mean every gay mans gotta. "Really?" he asked we just stood there. "Well I have a group good people just a little ways from here." he spoke I looked over to Tanner. I saw hesatation in her eyes until she spoke "I think it's time to give it another chance. They might not be as bad as the last group she said as she put down her gun and turned to me.

"Are you sure?" I asked and she nodded. I turned to the guy and put down my gun as he lowered his hands. "I need to ask you guys some questions first though. Okay?" he asked "Yeah. That's cool." Tanner said. "First of all what are your names?" he asked. "I'm Mark and that's Stacy." I said quickly as to not raise suspition. "Okay now how many walkers have you killed?" he asked. thats a ridicoulous question. "I don't know. too many to count." Tanner replied. "How many people have you killed?" At this point Tanner got quiet and looked to the ground. "2." I answered. "Why?" "Because they put my family in danger."

It was silent for a moment until the man spoke up. "When we get there you'll have to turn over your bags and weapons but we'll give them back after we search you." he said making Tanner squirm. She didn't like being touched after what had happened. "Okay.' I said as I gave Tanners hand a reassuring squeeze.

We hopped on our bikes and followed the man in his truck. in silence until we saw a Prison. It was filled with people in the yard. Me and Tanner looked at each other and smiled. We got off our bikes and walked up to the gate with him. We got to a gate where a gorgeous black lady pointed her gun at us.

"Who are they?" she asked the man. "They're just kids. I found by themselves." he said making me roll my eyes. Just kids such a stupid thing to say. I'm sure I could do more damage to anyone or anything than mister short stack over here could ( Axel is 6'3).

We walked in and gave them our bags and weapons. They patted us down and I could see slight tears forming in my sisters eyes. I sent her a look of sympathy as they stopped. She quickly wiped her eyes but the black woman seemed to notice. She looked as if she was about to say something about it and I simply mouthed 'don't' to her and she stopped.

"By the way I'm Glen." the guy said as the black woman slapped him upside the head. "What the hell Glen! You were with them the whole time and didn't even have the manners to tell them your name!" she yelled making me and Tanner burst out laughing.

"Anyways what are your names?" she asked. "Mark and Stacy." I answered with a bit of sass in my tone. "Why don't I introduce you to some people?" she asked as she lead us into the prison. She introduced us to a girl named Beth. Along with a lady named Carol and a boy named Patrick. She then lead us into one of the cell blocks, where a saw a hot kid. He had shoulder length brown wavy hair and pirecieng blue eyes.

Carl's POV-

I couldn't have a crush on Patrick!!! I'm not gay. I can't be gay. what would dad think? All the questions ran through my head until I heard a knock on the wall. "What!" I snapped as I turned to see Michonne and two kids. I don't think I've seen them around before. I took a moment to stare at the boy. He was hot. NO! Dammit don't think like that.

"Damn. what's got your panties in a bunch." Michonne chuckeled. "I'm sorry." I said "Just in a mood." I lied "Well this is Stacy, and that's Mark." she said as she pointed at the kids. "Hey I'm Carl." I said with a slight smile. I saw the boy smirk and I slanted my brow suspiciously.

They hung around for a little while and I told them about how it used to just be a few of us but we took on some people from another group with a bad leader. I noticed that they both had matching leather vests that looked very familiar but I couldn't place it. I didn't say anything though.


So what do you guys think so far??? Also do you want me to show what Tanner looks like? Anyways until next time lovies!!!

Word count- 1536 : )
