
Gina's big dream

Selena's heart almost fell out of her chest cavity when she saw Lucas actually appeared in her brother-in-law's yard, Lucas' smile that was so warm that it made Selena even more confused. She didn't know what to do, Selena didn't have the courage to push the man away from her. But on the other hand, Selena is afraid that Lucas' arrival this time will make Gina and Massimo's relationship break again, repeatedly being the cause of Gina and Massimo's quarrels, making Lucas a person whose presence Massimo really doesn't want and Selena knows that well.

"Morning." Lucas returned to greet Selena who was frozen in front of him.

"Y..you really came."

Lucas pursed his lips. "Didn't we agree last night, did we?"

"Yeah, but..."


Massimo's voice sounded loud from behind Selena, hearing the voice of his brother-in-law made Selena immediately turn her body towards the door where Massimo was currently standing holding Regis in front of the door.

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