
Come back to me

The Paradise grub, Barcelona. 1.00 PM

Julian's quiet workspace turns into a battle arena when he receives a video call from Patrick and Diego who had previously connected, Julian's two green eyes turned red at Diego's words.

"I'm sure, Gina must have been taken away by that bastard. The restaurant is empty, Massimo's men are also no longer seen," Diego said loudly, his eyes reddening showing the same emotion as the other two men who were now connected to him via a video call that appeared on his laptop screen.

In his study, Patrick had roughly brushed his hair. "Massimo also knows my current position, even the man knows where I work and the campus where my children study. After five years, I thought he would change and give up. In fact, those five years made him even harder and stronger, I can't look after Gina anymore, Julian. Massimo threatened to break all my wings."

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