

"In the next two or three days, it's better not to get this wound exposed to water first." Doctor Joseph gave a message to Julian when he had finished sewing the wound on Gina's forehead, there were five stitches now lodged in Gina's forehead.

Julian swallowed his saliva quickly. "Shouldn't I just take my daughter to the hospital, doc?"

Doctor Joseph shook his head. "No need, sir. I have given the best medicine, I have also stitched the wound. The next thing to do is to keep the wound dry quickly."

"Okay doc, thank you for the information. I will intervene directly to treat Gina's wound," Vanessa said hoarsely, her eyes filled with tears showing concern which of course was made up. Crazy woman!

Julian smiled at his wife's words, Julian really couldn't tell what was right and what was wrong at this point. Vanessa's acting is completely natural.

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