
Evolution Conditions

They started to walk very fast. Axel wanted to run but the dense aues energy was very hard to get used to. They had to take more breaks than before. The group went to the fire-type resource place and did their best to get used to the dense aeus energy but they still needed time to get used to the energy in the south side. 

Axel also didn't train his Pokemon much. He wanted to reach the fairy-type resource place as fast as he could. They had completed the west side in 9 days. It was way faster than anyone could anticipate. They didn't travel to the end of it but they got what they wanted. It took them 15 days to complete the east side but only 9 days to complete the west side. They still had more than 3 months left to reach towards the end of the north side.

Fortunately, the fairy-type resource place was not very far away. It was nearer than a flying type resource place. However, the south side was much larger and longer than the east and the west side. 


It was the end of day 1 and Axel didn't want to train. It was already 5 p.m. in the evening and they had already set up camp to rest. The group was huffing and puffing to control their breath. 

Since they wanted to cure Axel as fast as they could, they gave their best. So, they were very tired. Axel thought to look at the training of his Pokemons, especially new ones. 

He could see that Mankey and Acron were close to gaining their evolution condition and he was very happy. He at least wanted all the new Pokemons to evolve once during their time on this island. It took a long time to fully evolve and further rank up a Pokemon who had 3-stage evolution but after they fully evolve and rank up further, they would become very powerful. 


It was around 7 p.m. at night and the group was getting ready to eat. They had already cooked their food. They had some dry food that would not expire very easily. Harry had told them to not kill and eat the Pokemons in the forest. Apparently, that was also harmful for humans.



Mankey's attack stat had been upgraded to A rank.


Mankey is going to evolve. Do you want to extend the evolution?


"Yes, do it."



Please specify the evolution condition.


"All of its stats should be S rank and its ability should be 60% mastered"



Evolution condition has been specified.


60% mastery in ability was a harsh condition but Axel knew that Primeape would have a harder time controlling its sleep after it evolved. Its rage would be even higher than before and it would take a long time to master its ability.

That was why Axel set up such a harsh condition.


The next day,

3 pleasant surprises greeted him.



Cloyster's Toxic Bite has leveled up to 40. The power of the moves of Slowbro would increase incredibly if Cloyster and Slowbro knew the same move. However, Slowbro must have higher move mastery than Cloyster.


"Finally!!!", shouted Axel in joy. 

Others who were just waking up were surprised by the shout and asked Axel what had happened. 

"Oh, one of my Pokemons just made a breakthrough in one of their moves. Sorry for shouting.

Axel also wanted to merge the ability and hidden ability of both of them but he knew that it would take a lot of time to do it. Nonetheless, he was happy with this development. Slowbro still needed time to rank up to tier 2, so there was still time for Cloyster to upgrade the move further.



Gyarados has mastered its ability, 'Intimidate'. The ability could now have a chance to flinch the target in fear.


It was finally heading towards reaching King rank. Both Gyarados and Venusaur had their rank-up condition and now it just needed to fulfill those conditions to rank up to king rank.



Venusaur has created its pre-domain move. Name the move.


Axel wanted to give a kick-ass name for this new move. It was a pre-domain move that would become a domain move in the future. 

"Name it, 'Deep forest emergence'"



The move has been named.


It was not an original idea but the name spoke volumes on how powerful it was and how powerful it would be in the future.

Venusaur was easily able to create a pre-domain move due to Axel's new talent that would help his Pokemons create a pre-domain move. Gyarados was also on the verge of creating a pre-domain move.

"Venusaur, let's go a bit far to try your new move.", said Axel. He didn't want to disturb his friends who were just waking up.

After traveling for 1 km, he told Venusaur to use 'Deep forest emergence'


Venusaur gave a heavy roar and then grass started to be created around it. Very suddenly the grass started to grow and now the height of the grass was around 5 meters. These grasses also covered around 10-meter radius of Venusaur and then slowly 2 trees started to come out from these grasses.

The trees were not very tall. It was around 6 meters tall. It was just taller than the grass. Calling it a big plant would be more appropriate than calling it a tree cause the so-called trees had a big flower that was just sprouting from it. Very soon the flower bloomed showing its magnifying beauty and then both of them started to release purple and white powders respectively. One of the flowers was releasing poison powder while the other was releasing sleeping powder.

This was the pre-domain move of Venusaur. Axel looked at the move description.


Deep forest Emergence (Venusaur): The Pokemon would create a field of grass around it that would passively heal it. 2 trees would be created which would sprout out 2 flowers that would send out poison and sleep powder.


This was the exact way in which he wanted Venusaur's pre-domain move. It was not as powerful or grander than he expected but it was a pre-domain move from a pseudo-king rank Pokemon. Axel knew that it would grow powerful in the future. 

Axel use the concept of 'multi flowers', a new move learned by Venusaur recently to create this pre-domain move. It was a powerful pre-domain move. It was a control-type move that would help Venusaur in extending the battle while healing itself and also damaging the opponent. 

Axel was satisfied with the move and proceeded to move towards the camp.


5 days have passed since that day. It was now the 7th day since they started their journey for the south region. South region for more vast than the other regions that they had ventured. 

Axel was repeatedly looking at the map and trying to locate the area. He could tell that they might reach there in a couple of days.

Another interesting thing that happened in these 5 days was the evolution condition for Acron. 



The defense stat of Acron had been upgraded to A rank. 


Acron is evolving. Do you want to extend the evolution?


"Yes, do it."



Please specify the evolution condition.


 "All of its stats should be S rank and its ability should be 30% mastered.", said Axel.

Only Togepi and Bagon were left to have their evolution condition. The progress was good but since the days were shortening, Axel started to feel nervous. Only 20 days were left before they could find the fairy-type place and get himself treated.

20 days was still a lot but he wanted to find the place in the next 2-3 days. He didn't know how much time he needed to get cured.


After 5 days,

"Axel, are you sure that this place is here?", asked Lance again.

"Yes, I am sure. You know that all of them are hidden. We just have to find it."

"Dude, we have been searching that place for a day now. Maybe we should look in other places too.", suggested Lance again.

"Just give me an hour and if I cannot find it, then we will also look in other places.", said Axel.

They had reached the place just as Krookodile and Ninetales described but for the love of Arceus, they could not find it even after searching for a day. Axel was getting frustrated.

'Let's calm down and think. The ground-type resource place was inside a whole. The fire-type resource place was inside a volcano. So, the fairy-type resource place should also be inside something that would represent a fairy type. 

But what would represent a fairy type?'

He had read a lot about fairy type from the library. It was said that they came from another dimension and he also read about Xerneas who was the leader of fairy-type Pokemon and it connected all the different realms. 

'So, by that logic, I need to find rivers, forest, or mountains that are hidden away in nature and has some magical feeling to it.'

That was the best he could come up with. 

"Come out, Venusaur, Togepi!!1", shouted Axel as he threw 2 master balls in the air.



"You both have to find someplace hidden that has some mysterious and magical feeling. It may be near a river or forest or near a mountain. The search area is from here to there. 

There are no rivers around it, so you can search near that mountain or anywhere inside the forest.

Togepi, you might feel some fairy-type aura, when you find it. We are trying to find a fairy-type resource place.", said Axel.

He also called out Gogoat for help. It was a king-rank Pokemon, so it might have a good chance of finding it. 

Axel then waited for the result. After 4 hours of searching, he could hear a scream from Togepi. 

He turned his head towards the direction and bolted towards Togepi. It was near the side of a mountain.

"What happened, did you find anything?", asked Axel.

"Chu… Chuki turiiii"

"It is saying that there is something wrong about this place. It could feel something.", translated Gogoat.

Axel had a big smile on his face. It seemed like he finally found it. 

"Guys, come over here, I think I have found the place.", shouted Axel.

Everyone ran towards Axel and surrounded him.

"So, where is the place?", asked Kate.

"I think, it is down that place.", said Axel pointing at the mountain.

They slowly started to move. Axel was the first to reach there and suddenly he felt that he was being sucked and then he disappeared.

Everyone knew that they had found the place. This had happened before when they found the ground-type resource place. So, they didn't waste any time and jumped to the portal space.


Axel was half expecting to be bombarded with dense aeus energy but surprisingly, there was none of it. He could still feel the aeus energy but the energy was not so dense or penetrating. It was very calm. Axel could feel that he could remove the suit and would not even be affected. But he didn't want to make the same mistake again. 

The density of aeus energy was even lower than the east side. He didn't know what was happening. He slowly started to look around and the space he had entered and only one word came out of his mouth,


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