
Ancient Shedinja

The dark mist covered the whole area. Axel could not see anything inside the dark mist but Shedinja could see perfectly.


Pokemon POV starts

"I thought that you only trained on shadow powers. I am amazed that you also trained on darkness powers. Your trainer is very capable.", said Gengar. 

"Let me show you how powerful I really am.", said Shedinja.

It started to form 'Shadow ball'. Due to the powers of 'Shadow Domain', the lethality of 'Shadow ball', had increased by a huge margin. It started to spin around and the size was bigger too. 


Too fast. The attack was too fast. It felt as if the dark mist was assisting it in every way. 

Gengar raised its hand and….


The attack just disappeared, as if it had never happened. 

Shedinja didn't give up and started to attack with 'Night Slash', and 'Hyper beam'. None of these attacks had any effect on Gengar. It also had not attacked till now. It was just watching Shedinja. 

Shedinja didn't know why it was doing it. It could feel that Gengar was very powerful and could kill it in a matter of seconds. 

Seeing that none of the attacks had made any progress, it used 'Shadow control'. The tentacles of shadow covered Gengar. There were multiple small blades on those tentacles and it was trying to shred Gengar. However, even these were not affecting it. 

Shedinja could not understand what was happening. Having a good defense was one thing but being completely immune to any physical and special attack was not something heard of. 

Gengar like Shedinja was weak against ghost-type attack and 'Shadow control' was a ghost-type attack. 

After fighting for 8 minutes in 'Shadow domain', Shedinja canceled the attack as it was consuming too much stamina. It could feel that the energy inside its core was almost depleted. 

Pokemon POV ends.


Axel could see that Shedinja was already tired. Well, that was expected but Gengar was completely okay. How was that possible? Even Dante, the master rank Charizard had a small wound from Charizard. So, how could it be so powerful? 

Then a horrible thought came into his mind. Was this Gengar a god-rank Pokemon? Cause if it was, Axel was completely at its mercy.

"You don't have to be defensive. I did tell you that I would not harm you.", said Gengar. Axel was still not believing it but he thanked it nonetheless. 

"You might be thinking, why am I, a stranger trying to measure the might of your Shedinja? Well, there is quite a history between me and Shedinja species.", said Gengar and sat on the ground signaling Axel to sit with it too. 

"When I was a young Pokemon, that this was thousands of years ago, Shedinja was considered to be a powerful ghost-type Pokemon. It was the most powerful ghost-type Pokemon species. 

One day, a tribe of Dusknoir attacked our tribe and everyone was killed. I too would not have been alive if a certain Pokemon had not helped me. That Pokemon was a Shedinja. 

Ancients Pokemons at that time were much stronger than right now. That Shedinja was a master-rank Pokemon and one of the most powerful Pokemon I have ever seen. 

It taught me and trained me. Made me ready for the world. It also had its tribe and it considered me as family. I started to grow stronger. Thousands of years passed and I finally became a master-rank Pokemon. 

I took my revenge and finished that Dusknoir type. During my stay with them, I started to grow and I considered them a part of my family. Now, I don't see any Shedinja who are even pseudo-king rank Pokemon. 

Your Shedinja is the first pseudo-king rank Shedinja I have seen after many years."

Axel could feel the emotions from Gengar. It was sad and happy at the same time. He could tell that it was not lying. 

"Why did a powerful species like Shedinja start to decline? You said that it was a powerful Pokemon species but I have not seen any trainer using one."

"It was because they were cursed.", sighed Gengar. 

"Cursed? Who cursed them and why?", asked Axel. 

Axel was now sitting on a gold mine of information and he didn't want to leave it. A lot of information about the ancient history had been destroyed and not much was known about them. Nobody knew that Shedinja was a powerful Pokemon in the past. Even Axel didn't know till now. 

"Shedinja was a powerful Pokemon. Their ability 'Wonder guard' let them roam around the whole world without any trouble. Their power of darkness and shadow was feared by all the ancient Pokemons. 

When it came to ghost-type Pokemons, no one was as powerful as Shedinja. However, power gave rise to pride and pride gave rise to destruction. 

The destruction caused by Shedinja and its tribes was on another level. Not many could fight with them. There were also 12 god rank Shedinja at that time in the whole world which was way higher for any species. Normally a Pokemon species only had at most 5-6 god-rank Pokemon at that time. 

The destruction caused by them disturbed the natural balance of the whole world. They were also one the prime reason, why your human species had declined so much. Then something happened. 

Ho-Oh came to this world and cursed Shedinja. It also killed 6 god rank Shedinja and a majority of their population. It gave 2 curses to the Shedinja species.

1. Shedinja would have the lowest health of all the Pokemon species. The health would be so low that it would die from a single hit. 

2. It would have 2 typings instead of one. Before the curse, it was only a ghost-type Pokemon but now it would be ghost/bug type Pokemon.

After that, Shedinja species started to decline. All the hate that they had garnered throughout the years came back at them with interest. Wild Pokemon started to actively kill it and now it has returned to such a state. 

The wild Pokemons also wanted to kill me too as I was close to the Shedinja tribe. The one who saved me did everything to let me escape and hide. My life was saved twice by a Shedinja and I want to help this kid to return the favor."

Nobody spoke for a few seconds. Axel and Shedinja were surprised by the story. Axel 2 things after this. 

First, Ho-Oh was a powerful Pokemon. It could literally change the destiny of a Pokemon. Axel assumed that only Arcues could do such things before. 

Second, Shedinja was a badass Pokemon. 

He didn't know how he could power up Shedinja to such a level but now there was a way as impossible as it might seem. 

He could talk to Ho-Oh and convince it to break the curse. It was an impossible thing to do. First of all, how was he going to meet Ho-Oh? And even if by any miracle he was able to, how would he be able to convince Ho-Oh to break the curse?

But it was still better than nothing. He wanted to ask Gengar about all this but he felt that it was not going to answer his questions. However, such a chance was not going to come up again.

"Where can I meet Ho-OH? Do you have any idea?", asked Axel.

"Hahah… boy, how much do you know about the hierarchy of Pokemon species?"

"As much as any other human would know. There are mythical Pokemons and legendary Pokemons. Legendary Pokemons are from the legends and mythical Pokemon are from the myths. I don't know much about the power difference. 

There is also Arceus, Dialga, Palika and Giratina who created this whole universe."

"The information that you humans have about ancient times are nonexistent. I am not going to sit here and explain the history of Pokemon and how you humans came to be. I am not your babysitter but I will tell you something about Ho-Oh.

It is a fact that Arceus was the one who created the universe. It created Dialga, Palika and Giratina, and other Pokemons too. However, Ho-Oh is a different case altogether."

"How so?"

"Ho-Oh is the embodiment of fire, at least that is what we know but it doesn't end here. Before Arceus was born there was nothing. There was no space, time, matter or energy. However, if there was nothing, how did Arceus come to be?

It is said that even before Arceus, there was a small ball of fire and that fire was Ho-Oh. It is not confirmed but I could make a strong guess that Ho-Oh is an independent Pokemon. It is not born out of Arcues. I have seen Ho-Oh one time in my whole life and I could say that it symbolizes freedom. It has its things that it follows but it is basically a free Pokemon and does whatever it likes.

So, no, I don't know where Ho-Oh lives but I am positive that it doesn't live in this realm."

"This realm? There are other realms?"

"Of course there are. Haven't you heard about the distortion world of Giratina?"

Axel was very confused now. There were other realms? Ho-Oh came before Arcues? What the hell was happening? 

'Well, it did say that these things are not confirmed. Damn! Why can't it tell me the history of Pokemon? I want to know!!!', thought Axel.

"So, you want to train my Shedinja?"

"Yes, there are 3 types of ghost energies that ghost type Pokemons train, Darkness, soul, and shadow. Gengar trains on soul-type energy as we are born that way. However, since I was trained by a Shedinja, I mastered darkness and shadow energy.

Darkness and shadow energy are what Shedinja was famous for in ancient times. I saw that your Shedinja had touched the tip of that iceberg. I want to offer you to train your Shedinja."

Axel turned to Shedinja and asked, "So, what do you want to do, Marcus? Do you want to train under Gengar? We are developing your darkness and shadow powers but frankly, I have no knowledge about them. I think it would be better if you train in it. 

I will come to pick you up before the league and also come to meet you sometimes."

Shed.. Shed… 

Shedinja nodded its head. It knew that Axel was doing his best on training it but none of them had any knowledge on how to properly train in darkness and shadow energy. 

It would be a good change of pace to train under Gengar. It was the knight of the team and it wanted to be strong. 

"We agree but first of all, I need to have some trust in you. I am making a deal with a wild Pokemon that I had never met before. 

I also want to know how I could contact you and Shedinja when I want?", said Axel.

"That is reasonable. Let me welcome you to my tribe then.", said Gengar.

It then looked at the carriage and 2 humans inside of it. 

"Tell them to go to the city. I assure you that none of the wild Pokemons would interfere here. This is my area.", said Gengar with authority. 

Gerat and the driver heard Gengar but they still did not believe it. Axel went to them and told them the same thing, "That Gengar is a master-rank Pokemon. It would not lie cause it doesn't need to. You can go from here safely."

"Ok. Thanks for the help. How do I pay you?", asked Gerat. 

"I would come to the city tomorrow and meet you in the league association.", replied Axel.

Gerat thanked him again and the carriage started to move.


Axel followed Gengar and other ghost-type Pokemons. They walked for an hour until they came across a giant tree. Gengar moved towards the tree and it disappeared. What kind of sorcery was this?

Other ghost-type Pokemons followed Gengar and they also started to disappear as it there was a secret portal on the trunk of the tree. Axel gulped and followed them and …


He felt like he had entered a new world. 

There were mainly 3 types of Pokemon here. Gengar, Banette and Sableye. He could sense some powerful Pokemons in the area but he knew that Gengar was the leader of this mixed tribe. 

"After being saved by another species, I realized a Pokemon of different species could also bond and grow together. I save a Banette and Sableye and they also started to live with me and my tribe. 

Now we are a whole big family.", said Gengar as it was walking towards a building-like structure. 

Gengar introduced the elders of the tribe. The tribe had 3 champion-rank Pokemons and 15 king-rank Pokemons. There were numerous pseudo-king rank Pokemons in the tribe. There was a Banette who was a champion-rank Pokemon. 

It was disgusted after seeing Shedinja. 

"Don't mind her. She is also a Pokemon from ancient times and she didn't have a good experience with the Shedinja tribe at that time. She is a master rank Pokemon and very loyal to the tribe."

Axel was bewildered. How many master-rank Pokemon did this tribe had? This tribe also had 3 champion-rank Pokemon. Axel had never seen such a powerful lineup of wild Pokemons before. 

How could League and other people traveling here didn't know about this tribe? They must be one of the most powerful tribes in this whole wide world.

"Your tribe is very powerful. Do such powerful tribes exist in this world?"

"Haha, I will take that as a compliment. There are very few tribes as powerful as ours. Not many Pokemon survived ancient times. It was hell at that time.", said Gengar. 

They went near the lake and sat on the sides. There was a massive lake in this area. It was a big place. Gengar must have a powerful illusion ability to hide such a big area. 

"Now, I have told you to train your Shedinja in darkness and shadow power. I would also train it in the way that ancient Shedinja fought. The strategies and battle tactics that they used. 

After seeing my tribe, you must have built a certain trust in me. I have marked you so only you can enter from that tree and come inside the tribe."

It then pulled out a sheet of paper-like thing and gave one of them to Shedinja and the other to Axel.

"This thing would connect both of you and if you are in trouble then you can tear that paper. Shedinja would be summoned to you. Shedinja could do the same thing and summon you.

Now, communicating long distances would be a bit tricky. I could speak to your mind and also receive the information that you want to say. However, it doesn't work both ways. You can't do the same cause your psychic powers are not strong enough.

So, I would contact you every 2 weeks and tell you about the progress of Shedinja. You could also tell me what you want it to focus on. That is the most I can do for you.", said Gengar. 

'How could Gengar have such high psychic power that it could talk to me at such a long distance?', 

This was what Axel was thinking. This Pokemon maybe god rank. It was at least a master-rank Pokemon so they must have such powers. 


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