

Contrary to what Baracus was expecting Hao Xuan let out a hearty laugh as soon as the videos came to an end.

"Unworthy of my attention?? How dare YOU!! Heroic tale?? What was so heroic about that fucking tale? This one...the truth is far more 'heroic' in my eyes!"

He spat at the ground in disgust, "They did everything I asked for, and how were they rewarded? With slow and painful deaths, killing their own children and lovers while desperately hoping that I would save SOME of them before it was too late."

When his thoughts reached this point something clicked inside Hao Xuan's head and a wave of pleas came shooting into his ears. This was not his imagination.

Baracus was playing back some of the audio logs of the Orcs pleading for a way out in their last days.

'Master...can you hear me? Are you even real or were you made up like the humans said?'

'Why did you abandon us?! We gave up EVERYTHING for you and- I...I can't go on like this...my baby...I just killed my baby...'

Next chapter