
Alessandros tortures the Sullivans

Rylan's confession was too much for Leo to take in. Though he wanted to ask the reason for which he, Rylan, acted like that way back then, in the end, he decided to remain silent.

"Why are you not asking?" 

"Huh?" Leo was pulled out of his thoughts when Rylan suddenly asked a question that he failed to understand.

"I mean... about why I... It was not because I was disgusted or anything... I... I was actually shocked. I was panicking inside and did not how to respond or what to do. In the end, I just messed up everything and caused both of us pain and sadness. I'm sorry, Leo." 

Rylan looked so miserable and sincere as he apologized. His beautiful eyes were shining with the emotion of guilt but there was also a ray of hope hidden in them.

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