
But I want to...

Briar was smiling as he personally brought a tray of food and secretly sneaked into the western wing. 

Some of the servants saw him but just bowed their head and chose not to meddle. He noted that he must warn them to keep the information confidential if they don't want to be sacked. 

When he finally arrived at his destination, he opened the door and slipped inside. 

He placed the tray on the bedside table before sitting on a vacant chair. A smile automatically formed on his face when he saw her sleeping. 

Her pale complexion was getting better and her mana had started to stabilize. 

"It had been five days but you are still recovering." He muttered while brushing her fringe away from her face. "I hope you can get back on your feet soon."

Atropa had already gained consciousness a few days ago. Since there were no real damage in her body, her mana had gradually recovered and her health had improved. 

But since Briar was a bit of a worrywart, he did not allow her to get back to work immediately. He had ordered her to rest for a few more days. 

For the past few days, Briar had been sharing some of his mana to her so that she would be able to bounce back without any side effects.

He drew near her and prepared the transfer but before he could do so, Atropa stirred. 

"You're here again." She mumbled groggily. Then she greeted with awkwardness. "Good morning, your highness." 

"Good morning, Atropa." 

She sat up and said. "Your highness, you do not need to personally nurse me. You are the regent and you must have been busy. You can simply ask one of the apprentice maids…" 

She stopped short when she noticed that Briar was frowning. 

"It is early in the morning and you are reprimanding me." The flaxen haired said dejectedly. Briar looked like a puppy who had not received any pats on the head by its owner. 

"Besides, I cannot disturb the other maids." He continued. "They already have their assigned work. And I am simply just taking responsibility. It was my fault that you are in that state."

She sighed. "You did not have to…" 

"But I wanted to…" he bit back while moving closer to her. 

That started their recently developed daily mini debate. If someone would har their argument, they would think that they are lovers who are bickering over trivial things. 

"This is really unsettling." Atropa said while backing down. She knew that Briar would not compromise. 

"I am supposed to be a lady in waiting, and you are the regent. I cannot allow the lord to serve a low ranking vassal like me." She muttered while trying to remain distance from him. 

Ever since their adventure, Briar made it a habit to always visit her and somehow end up invading her personal space. 

Briar knew that he was breaching etiquette and the social hierarchy. He was aware that they have different social status and such relationship is bound for tragedy. 

But he could not help himself. He is simply smitten with her. 

"Here is your breakfast." He said while offering the tray. 

"My lord! You did not have to…" the girl's eyes widened. 

Atropa could already get up from the bed and she had planned to dine with the other servants. She did not expect that the prince would personally give her a meal. 

"Hush… I am the one who had this prepared and personally bring it to you. Are you going to disregard my effort?" he asked. 

The girl looked troubled. Since she could not refute. With reluctance, Atropa accepted his offering. 

But briar took things up a notch. He did not allow her to take the bowl. He took the spoon and blew the hot soup and tried to feed it to the girl.

Atropa blushed up to her neck. "Your highness! This is improper! I am not invalid and I can feed myself…" 

"But I want to." He insisted while holding the spoonful of soup. "My hand is getting tired. I might spill the soup." 

He got what he wished and was able to coax her to allow him to feed her. 

By the time she finished her food. He gently told her to rest and tucked her in.

Atropa thought that he would finally leave so that he could attend to his duties. But she was surprised when the prince pinned her down."Atropa it is time for your medication."

"Your highness! I have already recovered. You no longer need to share your mana." She tried to refuse. 

"Your mana is still not on its former level." He insisted while pinning her hands on the pillow. That way, Atropa will not able to escape. 

"I can manage! You do not need to transfer your mana." Atropa was blushing beet red while struggling to break free. 

The prince let her go while his shoulders sagged. He looked as if he was deprived of his favorite food. 

"You are rejecting me. Since you have recovered, you do not need me anymore." He looked really sad. 

Pitying him, the girl gave in. "This will be the last one. Mana transfers are used in emergency cases. Since I have recovered, there is no need to do that. I am begging you not to force me into this again." 

"I will try to provide you enough, so that it will restore what you lost." He said while smiling faintly. 

"Accept!" he then drew near her. Atropa simply closed her eyes and accepted his kiss. 

It started out as a peck, but gradually the kiss got deeper. 

"Open your mouth." He ordered. 

The girl complied. Seeing that she was cooperating that much, Briar smiled and used his tongue to explore. 

He was quite happy that Atropa had permitted him. He had been stealing kisses while making the mana transfer as an excuse. He already had a hard time holding back. 

After giving her a few more pecks and transferring a fair amount of mana, he finally let her go. 

Atropa's face was tinge with a reddish hue. 

"I will be busy today, so I might not be able to check on you. Rest well for another day before tending to Rozen." He said while giving her forehead a kiss. 

Hi guys!

Sorry for the long hiatus. l try my best to update even just once a week. Aside from being preoccupied with my other work "Heir's Return", I had a writer's block on Revenge's plot, so I was not able to continue this one.

But I will try to update regularly.

Anyway, please feel free to comment. Let me know what you think.

ky_rinecreators' thoughts
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