
Zeke's worry

Meanwhile in a cottage near the outskirts of Nightshade's grove, Zeke stood before a full length mirror and chanted.

Looking glass of enchantment, show me,

Reflect what I would like to see.

Instead of showing a dark haired young wizard, the mirror became cloudy at first. Then a castle came into view.

"Connect to the mirror at the secret room situated at the left wing of Marjoram Castle. I would like to speak with Hazel." Zeke commanded with a face filled with anticipation.

However that was replaced by disappointment and worry as the mirror just glow bright and then fade away.

Static was seen instead of the usual clear view of the room and the face of his lady.

Upon noticing that his apprentice who had been standing in front of the mirror for more than half an hour, Master Chervil asked. "What seemed to be wrong?"

"Hazel hasn't been in contact as of late. It isn't like her." The younger wizard replied.

Ever since they left the kingdom two years ago, Hazel never failed to make a call.

Once a week, Hazel would usually contact them and ask about Zeke and Master Chervil's welfare.

At times, Zeke would contact Hazel and the maiden would provide the wizards the latest happenings in the palace along with the mischief their young mistress had gotten into.

"Mayhap something bad has happened to her." The worry lines on Zeke's face increased as his heart pummeled wildly.

"If something has really happened to her, the amulet that you have given to her would have informed you about it." the master said while returning another grimoire to the shelf. "Let's just hope that everything is fine."

They spent a few hours discussing more spells and other technicalities.

It was about 10 when the Master gave a yawn. "I think I will turn in early tonight as well." He sighed wearily.

Zeke nodded in acknowledgement. "I will clear these up before calling it a day." He motioned to the scrolls which had scattered on the table.

With a snap of his fingers, the scrolls rolled up and began floating towards the shelves.

After tidying up, Zeke once again tried to contact Hazel. But to his disappointment, the mirror refused to show anything or anyone.

With resignation, Zeke went back to his desk to read a few more spell books.

The clock stroke eleven, but the young wizard was oblivious of the time. His head was already on his desk. His eyes were closed and his light breathing fanned the pages of the book he had read.

From the open window, a malicious wind blew the curtains apart. A lick of blue fire got in and illuminated the room in a bluish hue.

"Zeke..." the gentle voice called. "Zeke..."

Zeke stirred and opened his eyes. Looking for the direction of the voice, he let his gaze wander through the room.

But before he could lay his eyes on the lady whom he had tried to call for a few days, he stopped short as cold arms embraced him from his back.

"It is better for you not to see me." Hazel whispered.

Puzzled, Zeke asked. "why?"

"Just don't look at me."

Although Zeke terribly missed her, he heeded her advice and just contented himself with her cold embrace.

"Why do you feel so cold?" Zeke inquired. He tried to shift but stopped as he took note of the arms that embrace him.

Though he could feel them, he was horrified to find that they were actually transparent.

"Hazel, are you?" he could not finish his next question for fear that he was right.

Hazel's next few sentences made his heart turn cold. "Zeke, I'm sorry. I failed. I could never return. I have fallen during our escape."

Zeke would have spoken but words wouldn't come out of his mouth due to anguish and grief.

"Although, I was able to keep the princess safe from those who invaded the palace, I wasn't able to help her in her journey towards Nightshade's grove." The maiden said. "Lily had suffered a lot of things in order to get here."

"What had happened Hazel?" he choked out still refusing to believe that Hazel had passed away.

"No matter how much I wanted to tell you about it, I believe I cannot. I am running out of time, the spell that I had cast had reached its limits and my mana is completely exhausted." Hazel said. 

"I will perish soon. I need you to take over my responsibility in guiding her highness. I want you to protect her in my stead."

"But Hazel..." he protested while trying to take hold of her arms. Instead of holding onto something solid, his hands passed through the arms which were already starting to dissipate.

A sob got caught in his throat as reality set in. Hazel was indeed dead and this apparition was only a part of the spell she had cast.

The maiden's frantic voice snapped him out of his forthcoming breakdown.

"Zeke! You need to make haste. Right now the princess is in the hands of Sorrel. You know what my cousin is like; especially if she is in hysterics. Sorrel's about to kill the princess and I can't do anything to help her highness."

Despite knowing those, Zeke refused to move. He was torn between helping the princess and staying there to grieve for Hazel.

But due to Hazel's desperate voice, he manned up and decided to do what he ought to do.

"I know that you have a lot of questions. I apologize for not being able to answer them. The amulet that you gave me will show you what had happened. Please, make haste and save her highness."

Hazel's voice faded through the thin air as the room became shrouded in the dim light of the candles.

Zeke jumped from the chair he had occupied. His shoulders and neck felt stiff. It was as if he had been asleep for quite some time.

"Was that a dream or an illusion?" he asked himself.

But his doubts were erased as a cold air brushed through his arms. "make haste..." the wind whispered.

Throwing his cloak over his robe, he took his staff and drew a pentagram on the wooden floor. Lighting a black candle, he commanded as he stepped inside the pentagram, "Take me to Sorrel Hallows."

The room was engulfed in white light. The light disappeared and along with it came Zeke.

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