

It is liked a little dream, a sweet dream, a feint memories for some of them. There are some little children are running happily towards that hood man. He is currently sitting in front of the big tree, looking and staring at the tree that kind of normal and nothing extraordinary.

The little children are mostly have a pair of animal ears although some of them just have normal ears. They are swarming at that man, asking him to tell them a story. Someone can said this situation is kinda uncomfortable. However, that man doesn't cares about it.

"Master-sama! Master-sama! Please tell us a story! Master-sama!!", shouted little maid.

"Nii-sama! Nii-sama! Tell me a story! Tell me a story!", shouted one of the little girls.

"....Can you play with us today, Nii-nii?', asked the shy little girl.

"Nii-chan! Tell us a story! Hurry up, nii-chan!!", shouted one of the little girl.

These little girls are surround him, asking him a favor. Either telling them a story or play some games with them. They are still kids, of course they are in high spirits, compared to that hooded man.

"Alright.....alright....", said the hooded man calmly. "Everyone sits down and I will tell you a story".

One of the little girl sits on his lap, making some of the little girls feeling jealous. They are asking her to get up, but she has a stone heart.

"You again!! It's always you that manage to sit on nii-sama 's lap", said one of the little girl. "I want to sit too. It's very unfair!".

"Hehehe......first serve, first come", said the energetic little girl.

"Ano...I think Master-sama is...is feeling very uncomfortable when you sit on his lap", said the little maid.

The energetic girl staring at the hooded man, looking with cute eyes, begging for him to allow her to sits on his lap.

"I don't mind", said the hooded man. "You can........"

Before the hooded man manages to finish his sentences, the energetic girl hugs him. Shouting and thanking for his kindness.

"Yay.....thank you, papa!!!", shouted the energetic girl.


The hooded man becomes quiet for a moment. After all, his realizes that nickname making him feels uneasy. Most of the little girls always called him 'big brother' or somewhat liked that. Only this energetic girl called him 'father'. Yet, he doesn't objected it and accepted that calling. They are still young and pure, that's in his minds when thinking about these little girls.

The hooded man starts his story, mostly about his journey and experiences. All the girls who with him are listening to his stories happily.

"You don't want to get close, little girl?", asked a woman with fox appearance. "You can hear his stories even better, my cute girl".


The woman asks one of the children that sitting far away from the others. She ignores her question and still watching the others in quite distances.


"Are you unhappy, my little girl?", asked the woman.


"Are you hate that hooded man, my little girl?", asked the woman.


"Do you hate him because of your big sister, my little girl?", asked the woman.


"Since she kept ignoring you to play with him........."

"IT IS NOT LIKED THAT...........!!!!!".



"What's wrong, Kaga?", asked Akagi when she saw Kaga is staring at Sacred Tree of Sakura Empire for quite some time. "Are you feeling tired, Kaga? You should take a rest while you can".

Both of them are just finished talking with Nagato at the sacred tree. They barely managed to persuade Nagato to give her permission for incoming battle.

"Nothing....Akagi-neesama", said Kaga. "It just....I remember something that I hate. A feint memory that locked into me".

A memory that cannot be proven either it's true or just her illusion. A memory that she doesn't want to remember as she felt the hatred. Her anger became worst as she saw Kay 's face.

"A memory....huh", said Akagi. "...........".

Suddenly, Akagi becomes quiet. Then, Kaga immediately asked Akagi as she is kind of unstable with both emotion and physical.

"Akagi-neesama?", asked Kaga.

"Hehehe......hehehehehehehehehehhehehehehe", laughed Kaga.

"Just a little more.......just a little more".

"Amagi-neesama.....just a little more".

"Kay-sama.....just a little more.... Just wait for Akagi...".

"And we will be together........forever".


Azur Lane, commander 's office in the morning.

"Can you repeat that again,Belfast?", asked Kay.

"As you wish, Master", responded Belfast. " Sakura Empire has sent us a war message direct to Azur Lane. They want to fight us in direct combat, head to head and toe to toe".

Kay opens the hood that covers his head. Then, in fact, he becomes quiet for a moment as he tries to understand their motives.

They submitted an offer to battle against them, to be precise. A battle where they confront each other and challenge each other without any interference or escape. The result is either winning or losing.

Not so shaggy, I think.

"So....long short story.....they want to fight us....directly?", said Kay while feeling uneasy with that request. "Is that they really wanted?".

"Yes, commander", answered Wales. " They requested a battle against Azur Lane".

"They probably want to end this useless war", said Illustrious. "i don't think we have any reason to reject it, commander".

"By giving up this war?", said Kay in serious expression. "The war which they started to begin with".

The girls are getting puzzled and confused. They don't understand the hidden message of his words.

"What do you mean by that, commander?", asked Wales.

"Come on, let be reasonable here", said Kay. "This is the most stupid request that I ever received. We have no reason to accept it".

"Are you saying.....we will lose, commander?",asked Illustrious.

"I'm saying that they have no chance to win, Illustrious", said Kay. "The only waiting for them is death ahead".


"First at all, for the past two months, they never manage to win against us", said Kay.

"Well, it's not that we won either", said Cleveland. "We just either overcome them and running away immediately".

"Ehem.....well that's half true", said Kay. "However, that's not what I intended to tell you. I'm talking about their morale and damage report".

"They're already in losing streak when they're challenging us. Not to mention, their morale is probably low."

The Sakura Empire had received a severe blow to their fleet, as the morals had followed their circumstance. After several major battles against Azur Lane, they never managed to win after Kay had arrived. There's no chance they're going to win this coming battle.

"Unless, they have something that give them some hope....but I really doubt it", said Kay. "Orochi is useless against us...and sirens...i don't think they will make any different".

The black wisdom cube is held in the secret room of the Azur Lane. The room is guarded as Kay refused to store it in his watch. The only thing in his hands were the jade broaches that belonged to Kaga and Akagi.

"Consider they still have Ironblood fleet in their hands.....but there is nothing much they can do", said Kay. "I guess Ironblood fleets will come to help them for this battle?".

The girls suddenly become quiet , only Wales is starting telling Kay about the circumstances for this upcoming war..

"Erm.....commander, only Sakura Empire will participated in this battle", said Wales. "It has been stated in their message".

"Well, that isn't make any sense at all", said Kay. "I'm starting to think either their leader is too brave or just an idiot that never fought in any war".

The Sakura Empire sustained tremendous damage to its fleet. They're supposed to stay quiet for a moment to recover, but they're ignorant.

After the last battle, Azur Lane also suffered the same fate as the Sakura Empire. However, mainly Eagle Union shipgirls need to be repaired immediately due to the stuborness of Enterprise. She refused to obey Kay 's instructions, and she is currently facing her own sequence.

"Where is the location?", asked Kay. "From the last battle, they probably hiding some forces again from us".


"They want us to choose the place, Commander", said Wales. "The only exceptional place is their base, Sakura Empire".

"THAT'S NOT MAKING ANY SENSE", shouted Kay. "They are throwing their lives in order to fight us? Are you kidding me!!".

"Their strength are very weak, their morale are low, they will not have any backup from Ironblood and they want us to choose the place!!!".

"If that's true, I can easily destroy them with my element by myself!!".


Suddenly, Belfast starts poking Kay 's cheek several times. It seems she wants to calm him down.

"Now..now.....Master", said Belfast while poking his cheek. "Master needs to calm down. If not, master will make us feeling uncomfortable".

Kay relieves a deep sigh and apologizes to the others.

"You can reject their request, commander", said Wales. "Whatever your choice, we will follow you order".

"No.....we have no other choice but to accept it", said Kay.

"If not...Eagle Union will follow their own path again".


A few days later, most of the shipgirls in Azur Lane are ready to leave to fight the Sakura Empire. This is one of their historic moments, and only triumph can prove themselves to be a winner.

"Do you still refuse to come with us, commander? "Wales asked. "I'm absolutely sure, if you come with us, we'll be more enthusiastic and passionate. It certainly improves all the morals, Commander".

Kay shook his head, against her requests to come along with them. He had the impression that his element was unnecessary for these girls in this battle. They will fight enemies on their own strength.

That's not just his reason, however. From a point, he can see a girl full of hate glaring at him.

It's Enterprise.

"I don't think my presence is worthy right now", said Kay.

"That's not true!!", said Illustrious. "You're very important to us, commander! Your leadership, tactic, strength and your trust for us are enough for us to follow you".

"That's why.....please don't said liked that".


The situation is getting worse, as both factions almost split up again. With the Royal Navy supporting Kay, while Eagle Union chose to pursue Enterprise, it became the main factor for Kay to remain on Azur Lane. He'll gave them the order to fight the Sakura Empire without interrupting them again.

The Royal Navy rejected his proposal and begged him to come along with them. It takes a tremendous effort, however, to compel a man who already determines with his mind, their effort are useless. They eventually gave up and had to accept it even though they resisted.

"There is no reason for me to come", said Kay. "After all, you are the strongest fleet I ever seen. This time, it is up to you to show me your victory.

"As you wish...commander", said Illustrious in sad voice.

Then, he's looking at Enterprise. She even took part in this battle, even though she still received her suspension, which is two months off duty. Her authority as leader of the Eagle Union was also revoked and replaced by Cleveland.

But trust me, even Cleveland can't do a lot toward Enterprise. Most of the Eagle Union shipgirls are still supporting Enterprise than Cleveland.

"I'm very sorry, commander", said Cleveland. "But, we still need Enterprise 's strength to win this battle. Although I against the idea, there is nothing much I can do".

"Aniki is right, commander", said Montpelier. "Those girls didn't understand at all!".

"She's right, commander! Cleveland already did everything but it's still futile", said Denver.

"..........", said Colombia.

"Let's ignore Colombia for a moment, shall we?", asked Kay.

"Alright, Elizabeth....Please take care the others".

"It's Queen Elizabeth, commander", said Queen Elizabeth. "Hah.....I guess I can change your calling to me".

"But don't worry, commander. I will repay your trust at me by guiding this fleet to victory. The moment we come home, only good news waiting for you, commander".

The flagship of this operation is Queen Elizabeth, as Kay felt she was the only person to be fit for this moment. It is a good idea for them to have someone who can bring unity between the two factions and Queen Elizabeth is a perfect choice.

"In this case, I cannot asked Wales or Enterprise to become the flagship", said Kay. "Only hell will waiting us if I choose either two".

"That's why....no.....This is my order, take care of the fleet, Queen Elizabeth", said Kay. "Show me your strength!!!".

"As you wish, commander!", responded Queen Elizabeth.


"Is majesty will be alright?", asked Edinburgh.

"Of course not!! Deep in her mind, she is shaking vigorously. She is definitely scared", said Warspite slowly.

"I can hear that, Warspite!!", shouted Queen Elizabeth. "Don't worry, commander. I will never lied in my whole live. I will guide them!!".


"Say something!!!", shouted Queen Elizabeth.

"Take of her please, Wales and Warpsite", said Kay. "Now, I'm wondering why I choose you to become the flagship again".

"And Belfast! Please take care of Enterprise".

"Make sure she doesn't doing anything stupid".

"As you wish, master", said Belfast. "I will kept that in mind. I will watching her".


Kay watch them leave Azur Lane, heading for their battle against Sakura Empire. Slowly, they vanish from his sight, and he feels nothing. Not a sadness, not even a lonely feeling that never comes close to his emotions.

Is his decisions a prudent one? Or a bad idea?

He knew something strange was going to happen to them.

And that's why, this time, he's going to follow his own instincts, by leaving them with their war.


"Now, they are gone. Let's go to the Sakura Empire", said Kay while talking to Admiral Hipper.

"Huhhh...Why I should follow you order.....", said Admiral Hipper.

"Because you're the only one who still available and I can't afford to ask other girls", said Kay. "Wait a minute, why are you still here to begin with? Aren't you're already allow to leave from here?".

"Huhhhh...How dare you said that after you punched me!!", shouted Admiral Hipper. "Someone needs to take responsibility for your action!!".

"Erm ... Commander," Yorktown said. "Actually, Hipper is quite a helper to us. She always teaches those children when you're busy dealing with others. In fact, she has always becomes your replacement for your responsibility".

It's very typical for the commander to teach these little shipgirls about tactics or knowledge. However, in the last three weeks, Kay has been really busy and had to ask the others to replace him. Admiral Hipper, who had nothing to do to begin with, was forced to teach the children by Yorktown.

"...What?", said Kay. "You.....teaching those children?".

"Huhh...It's not liked I wanted to do it", said Admiral Hipper.

Suddenly, some children swarming at Admiral Hipper. They asking her to play with them and it is obvious that Admiral Hipper didn't liked it that much.

"Huh....Stop swarming at me!!", shouted Admiral Hipper.

Kay and Yorktown can heard that the children call Admiral Hipper, 'Teacher', for several times.

"It seems I saw something out of mirror", said Yorktown. "A person who bad at dealing kids but the kids love that person".

"I don't know to say either that person is lucky or just pure unlucky", said Kay. "Who is that person, Yorktown?".

"...........It's you, commander", said Yorktown while pointing her finger toward Kay.

"...What?", said Kay.

"........CAN SOMEONE HELP ME!!!", shouted Admiral Hipper.



"Finally.....I am free from them", said Admiral Hipper.

"Well, you might free from them but you still need to follow me", said Kay.

"Huhhhhh......Why I should follow you order.........", said Admiral Hipper.

A few minutes later, Kay and Admiral Hipper leave Azur Lane, and their destination is the Sakura Empire. Nothing terrible is going to happen as Admiral Hipper is their ally to begin with. So, of course, she's able to come over there. Therefore, this is a solid strategy from Kay to reach the Sakura Empire conveniently.

It's worth noting that Kay can slip in easily, but he needs a place to rest. He's still a human, and he can't really summon a ship like these girls. And the waves are very unpleasant right now.


Midnight, Sakura Empire.

"I never think I will meet you here, nee-san", said Prinz Eugen. "See, I told you she will eventually come here safely. I am really worried about you, nee-chan".

"I feel liked the last sentences is a huge lie", said Admiral Hipper angrily. "You're never care about me right, Eugen!!!".

"Nee-chan......", said Prinz Eugen. "Did you......"


"Did your chest become a little bigger, nee-chan?", asked Prinz Eugen.

"I will kill you...", said Admiral Hipper.

The Ironblood is currently at the Sakura Empire, resting themselves. Prinz Eugen, Z1, Z23 and Koln are staying here. For some unknown reason, they didn't participate for the major battle that happens right now.

"It's good to see you again, Admiral Hipper", said Z23. "Hopefully you didn't suffer that much. I'm very sorry for unable to save you".

"It's not your fault, Z23", said Z1. "If Eugen is more careful with that human, we can easily save you".

"Tch....yeah...yeah...", said Prinz Eugen. "Enough with that, I have enough with Kaga intimidating me with her dumb argument".

Kaga asked Prinz Eugen to stay low as she will become a dead weight for them. Since she got a curse by Kay which making her rigging completely disable.

"So, that's the only reason........", said Admiral Hipper.


"I think, that's more than enough, Kay", said Admiral Hipper, making the Ironblood surprised.


"Yeah, that's more than enough", said Kay who suddenly shows up out of nowhere. "Well, this is completely waste of time. I hoping that I will get something that give me some answer, but..........never mind".

Kay is staring at Prinz Eugen, the only girl that received his curses.

"Hahh...I will take a rest on your ship, Hipper", said Kay. "Call me if something bad happens".

As Kay walks away from them, Prinz Eugen begins to speak.

"I'm surprise that what Kaga told me is true", said Prinz Eugen. "Their commander decides to come to Sakura Empire rather than going with them".

".....What do you mean?", asked Kay.

"In the paper, he said he will come", said Prinz Eugen. "But,it just a lie".


Kay activates [ Eagle Eye ], only to see nothing. Just a pure darkness surrounds it, making him surprised. He doesn't understands what's going on right now".

"What the meaning of this, mole girl!!!!", asked Kay.

"Just liked Kaga said, without their commander....they are.....useless", said Prinz Eugen.


Kay moves towards Prinz Eugen, activates his element and starts grabbing her collar quite hard with his sword near to her neck. He is very angry and he demands an answer.

"My....my....looks liked I see you true personality, Kay", said Prinz Eugen. "But, I don't hate it....".

"Stop messing around, mole girl", said Kay furiously. "I don't have any kindness to show at you anymore. Don't think it will be the same as at the Fallen City".

Prinz Eugen smiles at Kay, it seems she managed to get a little nerve from Kay. Then, she asks him to release her after she promised to give the answer that he wants. After that, Prinz Eugen fixes her clothes that messed up after Kay grabbing her.

"Just what I already said to you, Kay. Kaga already predicted your action", said Prinz Eugen. "That is the only thing I know".

"But I must say, seeing your expression make me a litle bit excited".

"Tch.....", said Kay.

Kay in deep thought, he already knew that Prinz Eugen is not lying at him. However, the truth is hard for him to accept. The only person who knew his plan is only a bit of the Azur Lane shipgirls. There is no way Kaga will able to get the information that fast.

"So, what you going to do, Kay?", asked Prinz Eugen. "It is too late for you to go there. How about rest with...us".



Prinz Eugen suddenly stops talking, not only her but the other Ironblood become silent. They can feel enormous energy from Kay that surrounds him, a lightning element circling him.

They become confused and surprised.



Kay who becomes quiet for a while begins to move as he knew what he will do right now. He will changes his plan and come toward the other Azur Lane shipgirls.



"Lightning Element, First Form".

Next chapter