

"Alright, everyone here?", asked Kay. "Well, I bid your welcome to the unusual bonding session, I guess. Instead of drinking tea and having a tea party, we will played a game".

"It's called Among Azur Lane - Royal Navy Edition".

"Oh yeah, we are streaming right now.....so...."

"You know what, I will gave to Belfast and Wales. Please explain to them".

If you wondering what's going on right now. Basically, Wales asked Kay to join with the others to increase their friendship and trust. However, Kay seems didn't liked tea party that much. So, here we go. Play some games with Royal Navy.

This event happens before Kay and the others Eagle Union departed from Azur Lane for the rescue mission. Kay also decided to step down from being commander due to aggression from Enterprise. Well, consider he still need to find the remaining four Cell, I think he will be more happier.

"Greetings for everyone who watching this streaming", said Wales. "We are proud to inform all of you that we are right now, playing a game with commander Kay. Belfast can you please tell us more about this game".

"As you wish, madam Wales", said Belfast. "This game is called Among Azur Lane - Royal Navy Edition. It is a game which you will became manjuus and repair this ship. And, can you please elaborate more, master?".

"Alright, as you can see here.....this is Elizabeth ship", said Kay. "So..."

"It's Queen Elizabeth, commander", said Queen Elizabeth.

"Yeah...yeah....whatever", said Kay. "So, basically.....this ship is useless and we have to become a manjuus in order to repair this useless ship until it become even more useless...I mean better, good as new".

"Hey!!! I heard that, commander", shouted Queen Elizabeth.

"Alright...let me finish my sentences first", said Kay. "They will ten people playing this game in one match, 10 manjuus but two of them are impostor".

"You didn't knew who is the fake manjuus so either you finish the task or just throw up the fake manjuus".

"Do you understand?".


There is no response from the others as everyone is trying to figure up how the game works in first place. It is pretty easy, by the way.

"Good.....Now let's begin after Belfast introduces everyone else", said Kay.

Belfast introduces all the girls from Royal Navy who decide to participate in this game. There are Belfast, Wales, Sirius, Edinburgh, Sheffield, Queen Elizabeth, Warspite, Hood and Illustrious. It is definitely a fun game and everyone can enjoys it.

I hope so........

"Just to remind before we are starting.....please don't activates your rigging just because you lose or got killed.....understand?", said Kay.


Kay and the others are starting to choose the color for the manjuus with different accessories that really show off themselves. Especially a crown for Queen Elizabeth, a huge sword for Warspite, and maid-headband for Belfast and many others. As for Kay, he is choosing a hood for the manjuus.

"That's pretty cute, master", said Belfast. "Maybe, I should wearing the same as you".

"I want to wear it too!!!", said Sirius.


Game started, you are the manjuus.

"Well, first game as good person", said Kay. "Let repair this useless first.....I guess it is better for me to find the impostor first than repair this ship".

Kay is moving relentless in order to find the suspicious majuus, ignoring all the task piling at him. However, when he is trying to wander around, he saw Belfast and Sirius following him wherever he goes.

"Ah....please don't tell me they are the impostor", said Kay. "I can't died early in this game".

Kay stops moving for a moment and he realizes Belfast and Sirius are also stop moving.

"......???", said Kay. "What are they doing?".

Kay decides to move to test something. Yup, both of them are followed Kay liked a glue.

"Erm....can you please stop following me!!", said Kay while running away. "I really thankful for you concern but I think it is better for us to move alone".

Belfast and Sirius can't hear it and still followed Kay persistently without any sign to stop. Nevertheless, Kay will absolutely gave up and starts doing his task along side with Belfast while Sirius followed Kay.

"Already finished this task....let's move to other side....", said Kay. ".......I really surprised that nobody being killed yet.......".

Kay, Belfast and Sirius spotted Edinburgh and Sheffield at the electrical room, probably fixing some wires or whatever. They decided to leave them as none of them have a task at the electrical room.


A few seconds later, someone report a body. It's Wales who reported the body which is a sign that someone had been killed.

"I found a dead manjuu in electrical room", said Wales. "I am with Hood and Illustrious. So, we are absolutely innocent. May I ask what are you doing, commander?".

"You are last person that I want to hear that question", said Kay. What I am doing? Basically, Sirius and Belfast have been following me for this entire time when the game started. So, is there any reason for both of you to follow me?".

"It is maid duty to protect her master", said Belfast.

"I..I....I also want to protect my master!!", said Sirius eagerly.

"That is very kind to you.....for commander.....", said Wales.

Kay looks at the screen to find the manjuu that got killed by the impostor. It was Sheffield who got killed.

"Wait a minute.....Sheffield got killed.....", said Kay. "Well, it is definitely Edinburgh. You are the fake manjuus".

"....No.....I don't know what are you talking about commander?", said Edinburgh.

"But you're with Sheffield at the electrical room", said Kay. "Belfast and Sirius also saw you with her".

"..........Can you trust me that I am not the impostor, please?", asked Edinburgh,

".............", basically everyone except Edinburgh. And yes, including all the girls who watching the live streaming.

A few seconds later, Edinburgh get thrown off the ship.

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. , [Edinburgh was The Imposter]  . .    .   ゚

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"Good job, commander", said Wales. "Now, only one left".



A few minutes later and nobody being killed yet. So, everyone takes this opportunity to finish all the task.


"Did we win?", asked Hood. "Who is the fake one?".

"If you asked me, I think it was Sirius", said Kay. "I mean she being following me without doing any task".

After they found the fake one, Kay is still being protected by Belfast and Sirius. Wherever he goes, they will followed him. However, Belfast still able to do her task. It just she will moving and waving at Kay to follow her.

Only Sirius is followed Kay without doing any task. She just obediently following Kay.

"Are you the impostor, Sirius?", asked Kay.

"YES!! I am the impostor, master", shouted Sirius happily.

Everyone who watching the live stream became puzzled and confused after hearing that very excited self-centred by Sirius.

"....So, why didn't you kill anyone, Sirius?", asked Wales. "You knew right that you're the impostor".

"But, who will protect my master?", asked Sirius.


".......Alright, let me explain the rules again", said Kay.

A few minutes later with plenty of very specific explanation by Kay in order for the girls to understand the rules.

"Everyone understand the rules?", asked Kay.

".................yes???", said all of them.

"...........Hahhhhhhhhhh", sighed Kay.


Next game, and this time, Kay and Belfast are the impostor.

"This time, me and Belfast are the impostor", said Kay. "Hopefully, it will worked since Belfast and I have pretty good affinity........I regret saying that......."

"So yeah, let's see what is Belfast doing right now....", said Kay while trying to find Belfast.

Suddenly he saw Warspite, alone in the electrical room. His mind be liked, is this a chance for me to kill you, Warspite? Yeah, he killed her quickly and running away from the scene as fast as he can by going into the vent.


"Alright....nobody is here", said Kay. "Now, it is a perfect time for me to get out from this...........vent".

As soon as Kay got out from the vent, Sirius popped out of nowhere. She is staring at Kay and not moving. Kay closes his face with his hands as he already mess up the plan. He didn't expected that Sirius will came here.

Everyone who watching the live streaming are laughing liked crazy when they saw the funny moments. They knew Kay will be thrown up as Sirius saw him got out from the vent.

However, Sirius don't run away to report it. Instead, she is circling at Kay happily. It seems she is very happy to find Kay and unable to realize that he is the impostor.

"Sirius.....you can't be serious......SIRIUSSSS!!!!", basically everyone is shouting when saw it.

Sirius is still circling around Kay. Then, she stops moving and staring at Kay, waiting for Kay to move for her to follow him. Kay relieves a deep breath.

".....I feel so bad...", said Kay. "Well, there must be no witnesses. I will kill her after the cool down end. Nobody will knew that I am the impostor".

Kay proceed to kill the manjuu (Sirius). Then, he reports the body immediately after he managed to kill her very cleanly.


"Hey!! Who killed my precious guard!!", shouted Queen Elizabeth.

"Wow, three of us got killed.....", said Wales.

"Someone, really excited apparently", said Illustrious. "Let's see....Warspite, Sirius and Sheffield....."

".........It's Edinburgh", said Kay.

"No....no...it's not me this time!", shouted Edinburgh.

"But, you pretty sus, Edinburgh", said Hood. "Queen Elizabeth is agreed with me".

"No....it's not me!!", said Edinburgh, denied the accusation. "Belfast!! You trust me, right....You trust your big sister, right?".

"...........Yes", said Belfast.


A few seconds later, Edinburgh get thrown off the ship.

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. . , [ Edinburgh was not The Imposter ]  . .    

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"Ahhh.....it's not my fault this time", said Kay.

"Well, she kinda sus.....so I guess nobody fault this time", said Wales.

"We probably should asked about the others two before start voting", said Kay. "My mistake, sorry".


Kay and Belfast are proceed to kill the other two. With only six remaining, they only need to kill two more for them to win the game. Kay and Belfast decide to kill Wales and Hood by teaming together. They took the chance when they saw Wales and Hood are walking together with nobody else.


"Oh my....commander!!!!", shouted Wales. "You betray us!!".

"Commander....you are very terrible", said Edinburgh. "Why you always blaming me. I am not doing anything".

"I am very sorry, Edinburgh", said Kay. "But, you had fun, right?".

"Yeah.....It's very fun.....for you I mean", said Edinburgh.

Everyone chuckled a little bit after hearing that. They knew it was fun to play this game with commander. Yeah, to betray by commander.

"By the way, Sirius...You knew right I am the impostor?", asked Kay. "So, is there any reason for you to run away from me and report it to the others?".

".........No, I am just happy to find you, master", said Sirius. "I saw you got out from the vent. But, I thought everyone can do that".

".............Haaaahhhhhh", sighed Kay.

A few explanations later, they start another match.


[Kay and Warspite are the impostor]

"Impostor again...let's be careful this time and not just get out from the vent just liked last time", said Kay. "Make some fake tasks...to avoid suspicious from the others.

"Can you please stop following me, please!!!", said Kay while running away from Belfast and Sirius. "How I want to kill if these two are still following me?".

Kay is trying to run away from Belfast and Sirius. He decides to close the door to prevent Belfast and Sirius from entering. Then, he runs as fast as he could before both of them managed to caught with him.

"Let's enter the vent...", said Kay while entering the vent. "Now, is there any spot for me to get out...".

Kay is searching and analyzes the situation. After a few moment later, he decides to get out from the vent after making sure that nobody will suddenly showed up in front of him.

"Time to get out....from the vent......", said Kay as he saw Queen Elizabeth is staring at him. She saw that Kay is vented.

"Haaahh....This is definitely a good definition for stupid", said Kay. "What's wrong with me? I cannot do the same mistake twice!!".


"Ah...commander is the impostor!!!", shouted Queen Elizabeth while running away from Kay. "Run my little manjuu.....run!!! Don't stop!! Why I can report this?....I saw commander vented in front of my eyes!!".

Queen Elizabeth is running away from Kay. However, Kay didn't stayed still. He decides to pursue her in order to kill her.

"I'm sorry, Elizabeth", said Kay. "But, there will be no witnesses. I must kill you!!!!".

"AHHHH...He is following me!!!!", shouted Queen Elizabeth. "Help me!! Help me!! Warspite, where are you?".

"Stop running away!!", shouted Kay. "I not going to do anything.....I just want to put your into sleep......anyway, can you please stop running away!!".

Queen Elizabeth is running away as quick as she can. Suddenly, she saw Warspite in front of her. She feels very happy as she knows that she will safe as Kay cannot kills her with somebody watching.

"Warspite!! I found you...thank...good...ness", said Queen Elizabeth.

[You have been killed by Warspite. Finish all your tasks to win the game.]

"I'm very sorry, my majesty", said Warspite. "But, I have no choice. I am the impostor right now".

"WARSPTE!!! I TRUST YOU!!", shouted Queen Elizabeth.


"Thanks, Warspite", said Kay. "Now, let hope that nobody saw........us".

They saw Sheffield alone. Kay decides to kill her.

"There will be no witnesses", said Kay. "I refuse".


Illustrious reported the bodies after she and Wales saw that dead manjuus laying around.

"I saw two dead manjuus....they were Sheffield and Queen Elizabeth", said Illustrious. "I am with Wales at the time when we saw the bodies. But, Belfast and Hood can be our alibi".

".........It's Edinburgh", said Kay.

"WHY!!!', shouted Edinburgh.

Thank you for those who reading this fanfiction. I am still new here and this is my first fanfiction, so i am very sorry if there are many errors or whatsoever.

If you enjoy this fanfiction, considering voting and comment it. Let me know what do you thing about this fanfiction.

This is the last chapter for this arc and i consider to continue it more.

The next arc is called Azur Lane : Wiseman - The Guardian Swords, consits of 20 chapters ( not including side stories and visitors ).

That's all from me. Thank you.

SKay_00creators' thoughts
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