
CHAPTER 35: is it wrong to kill for souls?

Allenya had already been sleeping for hours. I was of course still awake and bored to death. The hunger for souls was already starting up again. I had long since figured out that I didn't actually need it to survive, but that it was sort of like an addiction, I needed it to stay sane.

If I didn't eat one for a certain period of time I would have more and more gruesome thoughts until I eventually snapped. That is what happened a few days ago with the deer, and that is wat nearly happened with the elf.

However it could completely replace my need for real food.

For now I had been using a lot of magic lately what seemed to increase my hunger for souls.

("Maybe it is because I using magic drains a lot of energy, and since eating souls is the quickest way to restore energy it becomes more tempting?")

I liked my fangs.

("It's wrong to kill for no reason. But killing for food is fine since its for sustenance. Then is it wrong to kill for souls? I mean if I kill for the meat or kill for the soul, the creature dies and I get fed.")

I shoot a glance at Allenya who was turning in her sleep and was making a lot of noise while doing so.

("No, it is even better to kill for souls. The body still remains so that other creatures can feed of it and I won't go on a rampage with the risk of unnecessary casualty's.")

I stood up. With a last glance at Allenya I opened the window. I managed to crawl trough and was now on the streets. I mainly followed dark alleyways until I thought that I was far enough.

Then I climbed on the roof rom one of the houses. The roof was a little warmer than the streets due to the heat that was coming from the inside of the house. It surprised me that the only stone things in the village were the smithy and some of the roofs of the bigger houses.

But after thinking about it, it was really logical. The village was build on the lake so, if there happened to be a fire it was easily extinguished. And wood was way cheaper and easier to build with than stone.

And so I walked from roof to roof. I knew that wen people were just minding their business they rarely looked up. And that knowledge was relay useful, since even after the sun had set for many hours there were still people outside.

Some just came back from a bar and others sold drugs and other substances. As I looked down on them I didn't care what they did with tier time as long as they didn't make it my problem. So I didn't bother to stop their trades.

Eventually I reached the wall. Some guards still stood there, but it seemed that they were nearing the end of their shifts. They were leaning on their weapons and struggling to keep their eyes open. The bitter cent of coffee hung in the air. But I knew that at this point the coffee wouldn't do much good for the exhausted guards. One of them was walking around with a bright torch. But it was nothing compared to the candles at the mansion of Yerald.

I waited until the light of the torch had blinded their vision and the guard was at the right distance so that there was no chance of some of the light landing on me.

Once this opportunity presented itself I jumped from the roof and rushed over to the wall. I knew that leaving marks on it was inevitable, so I tied to limit it by jumping as high as I could before slamming the claws on my hands and feet in the wooden barrier.

This of course this wasn't silent. One of the guards looked up in surprise to the noise and started to walk over. At this point I had already climbed over the wall and landed with a soft thud on the ground.

"What is it Jordan?"

"I don't know I herd something near the wall."

"It's about time the replacements show up, you're already hearing ghosts"

"Shut up and give me some of that coffee!"

I grinned after hearing the guards speak and ran in the direction of the forest to hunt souls.

Next chapter